Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Days of the Sea Gull (Things Militia Singapore)

Days of the Sea Gull (Things Militia Singapore)

May be shall jumbo all the stuff material into one small pot in this Journal.
From BMT to Reservist Mission, Objective Content Base. (10%)
Some Light Reading and Thinking  ( like the Chronicle defense)
And of course some Creative Imagination and Literature Enhancement.

They will pass you a BiG Black Steel Piece call the Assault Rifle.
The Good Guys used American madeM16 and the Bad Guy uses the Russian made AK 47.
Singapore sure is the Good Side, using the US License AR-15 (exactly the same design, but made by the Local Singapore Technology Manufacturer)
Of course that is what the TV Drama and the Movie say so.
The Real Politics of Military and War is MUCH MUCH more Complicated.
And there are 100 over other models Big and Small Sweden Swiss or even China version.

The Rifle is often seen in the Vietnam Battlefield , Real and Drama.
It is quite Big Size for Asian, holding at 3-4 kg.
The Fire Power is really Great , as Practice shoot goes up to 200 m in the Field Range.
The Target man size is just as small as the Tip  Rifle Aim point.
When shoot at Fox Hole position you just got to aga feel and really hold your breath when squeezing the Trigger.

The Shooting Part Sound exciting.
But there is always the Cleaning part, searching for the Big Elephant

Monday, March 21, 2016

Under the Coconut Tree

Chapter X The Boring Place of Singapore ...Really ?

If Singapore is really the Boring place, everything is clean and Squeak, and according to Stringent Rule. I will be very Happy.

Then Tell  me why there is question such as, why do  you can young 18 years old young Man Carry Semi Auto Rifle. First got to   clarify that it is for Military Service, people don't carry rifle running on the street fighting for some Civil War.

Why is there a Government approve Mega Gambling Den Right in the Middle           of the City and Tourist Hot spot. Good Question. The Wild Guess Answer is that in Chinese Conscience, Gambling is Not some much of a Big Sin, as compare to  some Western Moral Value. Gambling is more of a Game and Pass -Time , Buying  Some Hope as Singaporean may argue. The longest que on a regular weeded is not some Hot Star Concert, or even Sale Event. It is the 4D and TOTO Money games.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chapter X New "His Story" SG bits and piece

Chapter X New "His Story" SG bits and piece

At least History is a Proper Subject in School.

But there is Two Version for Some, as this only for Some of the People. The Singapore Chinese or Chinese Singaporean. Still quite vs versus way of Saying for Some of the People. May change in the few. Of course , since the Modern Singapore History of Singapore is still growing, and the school text version is Total Different Now for some people. It is good to do some Update.

The New History is up to 2005. Strange for any place with History so close to present time. Most people will think of  Hundreds or Thousands. Decades and Years seem too close for Comfort.

Probable the Singapore Story I and II is a Good Source too. No one can escape the Influence.

The Defacto News Paper is Strait Time. Paper Headlines is another important source.

Just some Bit and Bit of His Story

You Tube  Discovery Version

NB : since got an Old "Air" Level means English should be Not Too Bad.
NB2 : Take the First Iniative to "Capture Some Market" (Commercial and Editorial Value)
NB3 : To clarify and Straighten thing. Up the Sociology SG to No Problem At All. (still bit scared scared)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Chapter X Successlogy Singapore, SG Mentality and Philosophy.

Chapter X Successlogy Singapore, SG Mentality and Philosophy.

This series is written  because seeing some case about not very clear in their Thinking. Many young ones are Not Just Lost in Hong Kong, But quite Confused in Life As a Whole. There is Many course on MBA and Many books on Making Millions. But Not much on Philosophy in Life for Singapore. Probably will base on Little Personal Experience + Some Light Read Up + Some Imagination and Logic = Comes Out with something Worth While and of Some Value (Editorial and Commercial).

The Philosophy will stick with some Main Philosophy Like :
Immauel Kant
Hegel and German Philosopher
Aristotle and Plato.
Effective Thinking - De Bono Contempary
Modern Philosopher. xxx (William James - Practical Philosopher)

Here goes.

Pythagoras is well mention in the List of Philosophers. Probaly will be familiar with everyone with did not sleep during their Elementary  Maths Lesson. Before everyone's Else (including Plato) Pythagoras is One the Oldest Elders among all Philosopher.

Aristotle did some Teaching and Training to guess who - Alexandra the Great. Seems like in one of those Movie beside the Military Training Sword and Shield.  This two seemingly unrelated people live in the Same Place and The Same Time , Doing the Same thing. The Greek World is Not to Big after all.

Aristotle lays the foundation of Modern Science,  much of the Modern Subject like Science Maths Economy was lay down by Him. But He is Not Popular in Early Europe. Plato is the Main Stream. Ironically Aristotle was "Rediscovered in Europe from the Persian which Revered Aristotle. Science then start to make some advance after Aristotle was Restored in Europe. Probably that where the Dark Ages advance somewhat.

History of Science.
Probable will start with the Apple. Not the Steve Job commercial Apple Technology. But Newtonian World View of Physics m when the Apple dropped on his Head.

NB : And Some Personal Reason

Saturday, March 12, 2016

There is a Golden House in the Book

There is a Golden House in the Book

Probably No Chinese in the World will Read Chinese Proverbs in this Way.
Got to be Singapore Chinese.
Came across this sentence Hit the Iron when it is Hot  = ___________.
When reading the   Singapore Story, obviously another Chinese Idiom.
Guess the cumulative learning of Mandarin also comes up quite some High Standard.

Guess this Singapore Nation Building should also include some.
Things  of   New Chinese and American .
Being a East Asia Dominance and Super Power.
Aside from culture reason. Sound reasonable for Economical and Political Reason.

For the American, most people has a Good Start of some Good Diet of Hollywood.
As now Channel 5 Regular Weekend Show is the Latest Superman and Disney Animation. One season short of Current  Movie    Showing. Indeed the Colorful Pictures and Interesting  Storyline     is        the Leader  of the World too. Besides     Technology and Economy.

For Singapore, Good to Throw in Some Neutral Philosophy too.
Neutral like Science, Academic Philosophy Essential Summary.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Chapter x Move On and Mr Persona Style

Philosophy Crash Course.

Under the Coconut Tree Chapter X There was a time

Under the Coconut Tree 

Chapter X There was a time

It is good not to start too early. More experience and mature will sure be a good help. More Matrial too in terms of writing. May write about more serious and interesting stuff, like some small History and Journalistic Works. Sound more interesting and "Value Add".

There was a Time when there was still much struggle . Even the so called Stable and Strong Strong Ruler, was facing some tough times too. No one grew up first being a Big Giant. Everyone like Biology Law, Grew from Small Skinny boy to Grown Up.

Did not start out as the Popular one too. Actually quite a Dark Horse. Imagine there are people with Huge Financial Support, those representative of the Rich Clan Family. There is those of the Mass People. Seems did not started out as belonging to Both of this group. Perhaps really Time and Chance are the MAKER of People. Times and Tide are the One Control the Events and Current Affair. The Strongest, Most Handsome or even Most Popular One, did not stand out even at the First Round of the Tracks.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Long and Difficult

Chapter X Chasing the Wild Duck

After all these years of admiring Swiss and Some Perfect Utopia. People start to realised that Singapore is the place. If not, why people are coming. Even some documentary book say that as a Major Hub of the World is Not a Small Matter. Raffles saw it, some other saw it, some other did not. The Pasture is always greener on the other Side. Some New Saying the Grass is Greener on the Side you are eating it. Probably the Other Green Land take 3 Weeks of Foot Journey, 1 Week of Blood Battle, and found that the Grass is polluted, Not Enough and Not Green Enough.

Some Great Philosopher even Never Leave their Hometown, completed some Great Works of Writing.

First Struggle.

Even Singapore Struggle for autonomous is a Long Difficult Process. .... LONG AND DIFFICULT ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Chapter X Chaotic Times and Take Action !

Taking Action is one of the Key factor in modern Motivation Theory and Performance Phycology.

It is also some sort of Movement in Early Singapore, the Anti-Colonial and Independence Movement.
These New Short History of Singapore tells the Struggles  ....


NB : Tell Story also not easy.
NB2 : May be should Re-start with some Pump-Up and Martial Art
Chapter X Why do you let a 18 carry a Semi Auto.

Good Question

In the first place it is a Full Auto Assault Rifle, a American Standard M16 in the Past.
A Israel Design , Singapore Made SAR 21 Rifle now.

Some carry Light Machine Gun SAW, some carry Standard Machine Gun GPMG.
There is always Grenade Launcher and Small Rocket LAW.
The Biggest in a Infantry Unit is a 17kg, Rocket call 84mm Recoilless Rifle.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Chapter X The Last Ninja

Under the Coconut Tree

Chapter X The Last Ninja

The movie Last Samurai tell the last Struggle of Ancient Japan Samurai against the First Japanese Rifle Battalion after the Meiji Reformation. The Troops Trainer may not be a Handsome Man from California, and Final Conflict may never happen. But it is really one of Cruise Good Performance and showcase of Something Far East.

But Decades later , there is another kind of Japanese Fighter shows up, strangely at the Singapore Shoreline. Yes it is during the World War II BATTLE OF SINGAPORE.

Records actually show that prior to the attack to North East of Singapore. The Intelligence Unit of the Japan Invading Troops was sent across the Johor/Singapore Strait, To gather Intel Information of the Defense position. The Order is Really for the Japanese Soldier to swimming across the Strait . Draw the Defense of the Australian Shore Formation . And Swim back.

This is the ONLY feat that accomplice only by Ninja.
Swim miles across the Sea Water.
The troops are indeed the Imperial Guards of Japan Mainland.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Chapter X Chronicle + Chronicle

Inheritance of Invincibility

This is not some Prep-Talk, or some Mental  Psyche to Boost you up your morale. Rather than that it is base on some SG Historical Fact, that many has forgotten.

Basically Singapore Code-Name is The Impregnable Fortress. Shield by Heavy Tropic Jungle to the North and Quite a Big Water - A Sea in the Sea, it is quite a Natural Strong Fortress Inherently. The British even has Two Big Battle Ship on Guard of this Important Strategic City.

Taking a more Inner Look, there is a Big Strait to the North of Singapore. Those who has been the North Shore will notice the Big Gulf of Separation. It is Not like the Singapore River you can see the people on the Opposite side, and easily cross with a Bridge. Standing at the North Shore , the Opposite Things are lesser than Tiny Miniature Lego Building. Not much help even with a Good Binoculars.

Not trying to Upgrade the Small Dolphin into any Big Shark. Do some how feel the only Troops that is able to take this Shore is some Ninja Battalion - which is History already.

The Hot Afternoon

Pass by the Hot Singapore Afternoon Sun. Cannot imagine used to train under this Hot Sun in the Field. Realized a Normal Human Being is Not for this Weather, whether you are a City Dweller or a Village Worker. Whether you are a European Manager or a Vietnam Farmer.
Chapter X The New Short History of XXX

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chapter X The New History - First Struggle.

Chapter X The New History - First Struggle.

Who Cares about the 50s
At least got the Title up. Everything cumulative to the Ultimate Day of 1965. Not everything happens on the Year 1965.

Even some sort of Foreign Ministry begins to takes Shape before 1965. Read something like some "Blood Debt" Issue. Really a Power Start.

The Struggle started actually very early in the 50s. With many rounds of Negotiation, even just for the 1959 Autonomous. The Background also see some Anti-Colonial Movement. Building of a Local University. Many Union and Student Movements. Some Intellectual Forum.

Singapore Actually even has some sort of Volunteer Corps. Imagine the British Call for Drafting of the Locals.

NB : May a quarter chapter is a Good Start

First Laser Battalion - The Book

Chapter 2 First Laser Battalion

The Full Laser Tank is mounted on a Standard MBT Tank. With the Smooth Barrel 120 mm replace by a Standard Laser Canon. The Battery Cell itself may weigh up to 10 Tonnes by itself. Probably 10 Super Giant Electric Battery Cell each weight at 1000 kg. The Laser Canon and it support accessories at another 5 tonnes. The  whole Firing mechanism may only able to fire 5 Full Blast Charge or Shot. or 50 Small Power Charger.

Chapter 3 First Laser Battalion

3 + 1 Strike formation.
+ 1 Flying Intelligence Drone

Chapter X New Material

Chapter X New Material

Singapore  War Hero Mr  Lim Bo Seng belongs to  Unit 136, Anti-Japanese Force.
There is really this British Intelligence MI6 Secret Profile of - Lim Bo Seng, only declassified in recent years 2008. Record says he is a Raffles Grads and a Director of a Brick Company.

The Japanese Force actually call for Surrender once during the Battle of Singapore. They are caught up in the Mandai Grove area. The Australian troop took the opportunity, and Pour Hot Burning Oil on the Japs. The Japanese General In Charge suffered Great Lost and Call for a Surrender. Then the Tiger Yamato Ordered for Advance regardless of What.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Chapter X Under the Coconut Tree

From a Flawed Democracy
Not a very nice word - "Flawed" as if something is really wrong. Or some Big Mistake in the System. But it is the original Wording direct from the Wikipedia, when comes to Singapore Political-Social System and Mode. A more Nicer word will be Hybrid Democracy, or Social Democracy as mentioned.

Harsh Law may be effective in short term when doing Control. But People Heart will not really Obey, like the Qin of the First Emperor. Though Implementing Central Control and Melt down all the Metal in the Society, and there will be No More Rebellion. He even dream his Emperor Title to pass down Thousands of Generation. But was overturn just after the 2nd generation.

People will generally respect someone with some Belief and Remembrance of their background. A Tree which is Strong is usually those with deep roots. Of course Singapore as a whole has been criticized to be a tall Building with Shaky foundation. May be Some Chinese History and World History may Strengthen the Base. The second function will be able to right some wrong if History present a similar Situation. Singapore History may be short, but Battle of Singapore WW2 and the The Chaotic Times is quite interesting Story too.

Hopefully Singapore will not be like the Tom Cruise Movie "Minority Report" of the "PERFECT SOCIETY" No one is Perfect and The Society as a Human Nature  - Flawed
Chapter X Under The Coconut Tree

Untold Story

Quite some Spicy Stuff, even of today standard on some "New History" of Singapore. Referring to the 50s and 60s, NOT the "Last Tigers" Years. May be will throw in some New Material of the Pre-Historic Singapore - Colonial Singapore. Make it a Good Chapter. Seems  like Market Force is a Bigger Force.

There is some Strong Anti-Colonial  Sentiment in the 50s-60s. Just Anti with Not-Much-Stance, maybe some Local Connectivity. Quite a Strong Force too. May not be  Totally Advance  keeping in touch with the Advance West. But has Good local Support. Non Violent but Active. Tone down some level should be good for Constructive Use. May be some Philosopher Theory was Right.

Who Care about the 50s.
1965 the Key Buz Number for Singapore. Seems Everything Happen on this ONE YEAR.
Actually there is a Long Struggle even Just for the Autonomous. Actuallyy found Most of the Minister Seat are There except for the Foreign Affair in 1959. Seems like subconsciously People are heading for Independence even in the 50s. Seems like some Time lasps  , probably my reading eyes is wrong. The National Anthem is already There before 1965. And some Big National Icon. If it is Just a State. Then Why is the Anthem there in the First Place.

One Picture Karate Punch