Friday, March 4, 2016

Chapter X Chronicle + Chronicle

Inheritance of Invincibility

This is not some Prep-Talk, or some Mental  Psyche to Boost you up your morale. Rather than that it is base on some SG Historical Fact, that many has forgotten.

Basically Singapore Code-Name is The Impregnable Fortress. Shield by Heavy Tropic Jungle to the North and Quite a Big Water - A Sea in the Sea, it is quite a Natural Strong Fortress Inherently. The British even has Two Big Battle Ship on Guard of this Important Strategic City.

Taking a more Inner Look, there is a Big Strait to the North of Singapore. Those who has been the North Shore will notice the Big Gulf of Separation. It is Not like the Singapore River you can see the people on the Opposite side, and easily cross with a Bridge. Standing at the North Shore , the Opposite Things are lesser than Tiny Miniature Lego Building. Not much help even with a Good Binoculars.

Not trying to Upgrade the Small Dolphin into any Big Shark. Do some how feel the only Troops that is able to take this Shore is some Ninja Battalion - which is History already.

The Hot Afternoon

Pass by the Hot Singapore Afternoon Sun. Cannot imagine used to train under this Hot Sun in the Field. Realized a Normal Human Being is Not for this Weather, whether you are a City Dweller or a Village Worker. Whether you are a European Manager or a Vietnam Farmer.

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