Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Chapter X Under the Coconut Tree

From a Flawed Democracy
Not a very nice word - "Flawed" as if something is really wrong. Or some Big Mistake in the System. But it is the original Wording direct from the Wikipedia, when comes to Singapore Political-Social System and Mode. A more Nicer word will be Hybrid Democracy, or Social Democracy as mentioned.

Harsh Law may be effective in short term when doing Control. But People Heart will not really Obey, like the Qin of the First Emperor. Though Implementing Central Control and Melt down all the Metal in the Society, and there will be No More Rebellion. He even dream his Emperor Title to pass down Thousands of Generation. But was overturn just after the 2nd generation.

People will generally respect someone with some Belief and Remembrance of their background. A Tree which is Strong is usually those with deep roots. Of course Singapore as a whole has been criticized to be a tall Building with Shaky foundation. May be Some Chinese History and World History may Strengthen the Base. The second function will be able to right some wrong if History present a similar Situation. Singapore History may be short, but Battle of Singapore WW2 and the The Chaotic Times is quite interesting Story too.

Hopefully Singapore will not be like the Tom Cruise Movie "Minority Report" of the "PERFECT SOCIETY" No one is Perfect and The Society as a Human Nature  - Flawed

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