Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Long and Difficult

Chapter X Chasing the Wild Duck

After all these years of admiring Swiss and Some Perfect Utopia. People start to realised that Singapore is the place. If not, why people are coming. Even some documentary book say that as a Major Hub of the World is Not a Small Matter. Raffles saw it, some other saw it, some other did not. The Pasture is always greener on the other Side. Some New Saying the Grass is Greener on the Side you are eating it. Probably the Other Green Land take 3 Weeks of Foot Journey, 1 Week of Blood Battle, and found that the Grass is polluted, Not Enough and Not Green Enough.

Some Great Philosopher even Never Leave their Hometown, completed some Great Works of Writing.

First Struggle.

Even Singapore Struggle for autonomous is a Long Difficult Process. .... LONG AND DIFFICULT ...

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