Thursday, March 10, 2016

Under the Coconut Tree Chapter X There was a time

Under the Coconut Tree 

Chapter X There was a time

It is good not to start too early. More experience and mature will sure be a good help. More Matrial too in terms of writing. May write about more serious and interesting stuff, like some small History and Journalistic Works. Sound more interesting and "Value Add".

There was a Time when there was still much struggle . Even the so called Stable and Strong Strong Ruler, was facing some tough times too. No one grew up first being a Big Giant. Everyone like Biology Law, Grew from Small Skinny boy to Grown Up.

Did not start out as the Popular one too. Actually quite a Dark Horse. Imagine there are people with Huge Financial Support, those representative of the Rich Clan Family. There is those of the Mass People. Seems did not started out as belonging to Both of this group. Perhaps really Time and Chance are the MAKER of People. Times and Tide are the One Control the Events and Current Affair. The Strongest, Most Handsome or even Most Popular One, did not stand out even at the First Round of the Tracks.

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