Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Chapter X Successlogy Singapore, SG Mentality and Philosophy.

Chapter X Successlogy Singapore, SG Mentality and Philosophy.

This series is written  because seeing some case about not very clear in their Thinking. Many young ones are Not Just Lost in Hong Kong, But quite Confused in Life As a Whole. There is Many course on MBA and Many books on Making Millions. But Not much on Philosophy in Life for Singapore. Probably will base on Little Personal Experience + Some Light Read Up + Some Imagination and Logic = Comes Out with something Worth While and of Some Value (Editorial and Commercial).

The Philosophy will stick with some Main Philosophy Like :
Immauel Kant
Hegel and German Philosopher
Aristotle and Plato.
Effective Thinking - De Bono Contempary
Modern Philosopher. xxx (William James - Practical Philosopher)

Here goes.

Pythagoras is well mention in the List of Philosophers. Probaly will be familiar with everyone with did not sleep during their Elementary  Maths Lesson. Before everyone's Else (including Plato) Pythagoras is One the Oldest Elders among all Philosopher.

Aristotle did some Teaching and Training to guess who - Alexandra the Great. Seems like in one of those Movie beside the Military Training Sword and Shield.  This two seemingly unrelated people live in the Same Place and The Same Time , Doing the Same thing. The Greek World is Not to Big after all.

Aristotle lays the foundation of Modern Science,  much of the Modern Subject like Science Maths Economy was lay down by Him. But He is Not Popular in Early Europe. Plato is the Main Stream. Ironically Aristotle was "Rediscovered in Europe from the Persian which Revered Aristotle. Science then start to make some advance after Aristotle was Restored in Europe. Probably that where the Dark Ages advance somewhat.

History of Science.
Probable will start with the Apple. Not the Steve Job commercial Apple Technology. But Newtonian World View of Physics m when the Apple dropped on his Head.

NB : And Some Personal Reason

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