Friday, February 27, 2015

This is not boxercise

This is not some kind of aerobic workout.
This include some effective DIY self defense techniques that could be quite power.
Please exercise with caution, and check out other stuff too.

Basic Chinese kungfu is quite stringent for most modern people. Even the beginning stage means months of standing just on the horse style for hours , before learning any kungfu. May for modern city dweller some major change should be made. For those watch many hongkong kungfu dram martial art , this should be very easy.

The horse stand.
Basically bent low like the squat exercise, but stay for longer time. Some southern style are very low. Simply said may be just about 45 degree will do. Doing away the basic stage for standing for long hours. Straight goes to the basic punch.

The basic punch.
Straight punch with left and right hand and clench fist. Alternate for 20x for 1 set. Repeat for 3 set for basic cycle. Quite obvious for those that watch lots of martial art movie. For other check out some movie clip and u will know roughly how to do.

(the author got not formal training, but watch tonnes of Chinese kungfu movie and books. The martial art here is very common, it's one of the school sport curriculem and some common people hold black belt in TKD. And Taiji is the morning exercise that uncle practice in the morning. The only formal training is the reserve infantry military training. This simplified vet can be use as some more advance exercise.)

30 days plan, exercise and diet

30 days seems not too long for today urban city. Just a 1-3-5 exercise plan in a time period. May be a gym workout, one jogging, and a new High Intensity Interval training. HIIT looks like a new circuit training, with some interval runs. May be plus 3 box of herbal tea to take care of diet side. And many carrot and berries juice and banana.

Sometime thot

SEA situation looks a bit like the romance of three kingdom. Or even worst, the pre united china of the warring nation, zhan GUO. SG may have a good chance of being the paseo capital of the Zhou dynasty, among the warring territorial kings, stand itself as a head of all kingdom, although without much real power. Perharps a co development as a advance city and medium state. Can be a good referee and trade hub for the multiplex region. At least SG Chinese has some historical knowlege to fall back on, roughly knows what to do.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Random update 123

The wheel is still turning whether your are standing still or chasing hard for the wrong target. When China made thier first voyage of aircraft carrier. The Houston space station send off the space engineering as the space shuttle got  cut due to budget and out source issue. Of course there is better cheaper and safer method going to space. As the British vigin taking order for the commercial sub space travel.  Those hover helicopter are taking entrance into the market becoming top,want of this year kid. Some r n d project on hover bible will be out soon, people may be traveling in city on star war hover bike.

Culturally Singapore is celebrating some big party. Becoming a top tour spot on lonely planet is sure good new to the Tourism board and the hotel owners. But the city seems kind of overload time on, when the train system is not 100% any more. Many seems cannot anything that is less than perfect.  Human bio arm is still much better, as the latest Honda robot still have a hard time grasping a cup of coke and move it to the mouth.

5x5 strength (max)

Random link. ( min)
Little theory of west east intelligence ( civilian)

Cool social

Many thinks that Chinese mainland got to be very anti western, but the fact that star back coffee already open it's last store right under the great wall of china. Past back many times many early Chinese mainland already went to the west , russia and Japanese for education and military academy. Some are even cool French Educated, when SG river are filled with hard working .

Many local are still stuck in the mindset of mainland Chinese riding bicycles. Currently the Chinese drama series is about a rich family noodle business.

If the Hong Kong protester thinks that western freedom means free ice cream for every meal. They should think twice before raising thier umbrella protest. With all the tech advance , the social scene in America is not too good. Up until 1965. The white got to give seat to the white on the bus , probably in some southern state. And the bully phenomena is so serious that some kids end up becomes mix martial art master.

A switch from cold politic to cool social will be nice. In the olden days people fight for power as thier upper priority. Since the Chinese Chinese has high ownership sense of the central plain. And consider other as barbarian. Not totally applicable today, but the idea is there.

For SG of course the army went into 3G transformation. But as long as the mind set never change, it's not totally effectivetive. In corporate world there is something as taking ownership. Still quite a new idea even in corporate world. May be some time later the idea will overflow to the whole social area.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Rest 1

2x Fruit Juice
3x Banana

Fri - Interval Circuit, outdoor 20 mins  (HIIT)
Sat - Full Basic 5 set 40mins, 15 mins Cardio. Gym


The YouTube puncher.
Kind of DIY self defencd. Still need some basic physical boxing skill, even as human now live in concrete jungle instead of hunting with spear.

Boxing punches the easy as you tube got many lesson. Even Chinese kungfu got some video introduction. As now the wing Chun is most popular due to movie promotion. And more complete than Bruce lee martial art. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

28 Days to Lean Meal Plan , GM Plan


28 Days to Lean Meal Plan

With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.

GM Plan
7 day Diet Plan
Weight loss plan that was originally designed and developed by the GM Corporation to help make sure that each and every one of their employees have the information they needed to shed excessive pounds whenever they wanted to.

Outdoor Training

Environmental Science & Technology recently published an analysis of 11 different clinical studies, all of which compared indoor training to outdoor training, using a total sample of 833 adults.
The results from each of these studies overwhelmingly favor outdoor training as a means of decreasing tension, confusion, anger, and depression, while increasing energy and boosting feelings of revitalization.


Go Banana - Remix food Plan - GM Diet ZZ99

How Many Calories Does a Small Banana Have?

Go Banana 
- Remix food Plan - GM Diet ZZ99

10 Days plan (x3)

Day 1
Just fruit

Day 2-3
Veggie and Meat only (x2)

Day 4-6
Normal + Fruit

Day 7-10
Go Banana Again + cleansing (Carrot Juice x3)

Banana Plan

How Many Calories Does a Small Banana Have?

16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast

16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast,,20501331,00.html

TARGET Heath and Fitness Cub (Singapore)


Heath and Fitness Cub
Herbal Tea 5x
(3 dose)
Exercise lite 3x
(20 mins session)
Diet light - 25 %
(2 day)


5 pax (team 1)

5 pax (team 2)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shanghai Tang and Chicago School

This not the uptown Brand of Fashion on orchard Road. Its actually a very old Chinese Drama about those Gangs of Shanghai in the 20s. Your will be surprise that actually this Big Bros will flash out  the Thompson Sub-machine guns during big clashes. This is the Standard issue of the WW2 of US fighters, as some use it in the Medal of Honor PC games. The Chicago of the old is also commonly flood with these model. Probably the handiness plus fire power makes it the perfect urban weapon of choice. Just wonder how these people can get hold of the guns in these early days when even the national army uses older Springfield Rifle.

Chicago Business school is famous of course. But there is also an economic school of Chicago. Different from the classical Keynes Model. Even  "Free Economy" also has many of its "Gangs"

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Might Little - M1 n workout



Exercise 2

History we never know - VC 60s

Ho Chi-Ming City looks like a new emerging City with Big Company rushing in for big Business opportunity. What can be better than a whole City and generation that never tasted KFC or bought IKEA furniture before. There is simple no competition. But South Vietnam Ho Chi-Ming City is not some "New Town" that comes from The Country Town Plan for 21 century. Its actually a strategic and "Historically" known as SAIGON.

The Whole Vietnam war is really long , just the Documentary needs about 10 full episode  to get a glimpse of the Event. And 60s sounds like the Beatles and Elvis or Deng Li-Chun Era, not too long ago. Guess the Capitol cinema is still in operation selling around $1.50 per ticket.

The Viet actually divided into North and South. And the US GI are actually supporting troops for the South, fighting the Guerrillas from the North ( the actually North Army only move out in later stage). Some how the US troops got to becomes the main fighting force with more and more even drafted soldier are drawn in.

Even with B52 Super Bombers with Tones of  TNT dropped on the ground. The VC has its way from hiding. The networks of under ground tunnels are so fully equip that there is even a under-ground medical center - not too primitive right.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ordnance defence mechanism and journal little

Keep some record for own use.
Not exactly factual or is it fictional.
Little story telling and some distraction.

Still keep the journal writing, at least keep the thought flow on  "paper".
May be some revisit will prompt some useful out-put.
Also keep the opponent on defense and no need to spend too much effort fighting.

Just finish the whole WW2 Europe Theatre Series "Patton 360".
Used some computer graphic as real War footage is very difficult. No need to say much.
Brings out the whole Europe counter attack campaign by using General Patton, 4th Armour and 3rd Army.
Interesting enough to finish the whole thing and catch up on some remote far away but important events.

Type "Patton 360"  and You Tube

Sunday, February 8, 2015

4th side line subsideries power

Normal common people are defenseless and weak. At less some side line power are good for defense. At least in a semi free society, blog around still seems like a harmless activity. May get you some little portion of 4th media prowess. At least a black box record of what's going on.

Even the most ivory tower professor do some raw data research before writing papers that never see the light. At least use some brain power before taking decision. Of course the proper procedure is do data collection, data analyses, do some thinking , consult some expert, think again and  make the decision. These are consider info from "Creative Dummies".

At least do some "calculation".

Dun bring in "your enemy" and "attack" your own people.

Sounds like some Theory conspiracy and parables.
Purposely story form and twist around so not to get into trouble and keep some record.

Ordnance defence - M50 Ontos

M50 Ontos

Quite a weird breed of the Vietnam war. Fix  6 RCL rifle canon to a small fast tank body. Used by the marines and proof quite effective. But deem too weird look and discarded.

Cost efficient and optimal fire power. Can be revive on a M113 body.

Say 6x2= 12 105mm RCL + 12 mm MG
or 8x2 = 16 84mm RCL + 7.62GPMG

Something worst than invasion

Invasion is simple, enemy comes in and the army figther back.
But one of the great general of china did not dude in the field.
In fact was killed by his prime minister.

He can beat 100,000 barbarian with 500 warrior.
But was betrayed by his own people.

See some bad is here too.
Seem too of trying to be a Utopia.
Ethopia spell almost the same too.

Christ the Saviour even consider his own people first.
And guess people are selling things to enemy thought people dun know.
 Even in the imperial edge, there is revolt.
Today demo system, seems much easier.

Just a conspiracy guess.

Friday, February 6, 2015

may be the online historian is right

May not be exactly a "historian" looks more like a History major Guy which is quite popular online with his DIY production.
Quite a interesting Series, and of certain quality - comes in a production team in a ware-house studio.
I mean here the You Tube - World History Crash Course Series.
Quite a good visitor hit.
Need at least a History Major Degree to produce these kind of work.

For Rise of the West, WW2 to some Japan nationalism Case study.
Nice cartoon effect and interesting narrative.
and put the Mongolians and various power in proper perspective

Someone already put it into a single box

World History Crash Course by John Green, You Tube

He is right as even a short History write out needs lots of research  and production effort.
For the rest may be some Fictional Stories with a bit of Historical twist.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Urban Ranger and Curious Cat

Just minor common issue. Not even "social level"
Like some  serious chat with proper simple English.

Urban - obviously a city dweller in a concrete jungle.
Ranger - can means the Park Ranger in Nature Reserve. Or some Special Force.
Cat - Can be the harmless house cat, or Big cat like Cougar.
Curious - Just curious, nothing more.

May be compile into Random SG gossip for some e-book sale. (looking at 500-2000 copy  in sale)

Most danger job in SG army and Easy Company (old school)

This is the old 2 G army, years back.
Most hazardous job is the  parachute troopers or 65 Ranger Course.
With proper training and safety precaution, most exercise even the combat one are quite safe. Its mostly in your own hand.
One the most dangerous one will be the Recruit NCO assignment  supervising  a newbie Grenade Throwing . Its not in your control. Never knew when a Panicky Young Man will do silly things. Actually its a more simple part of BMT, just like throw a base ball with "huge impact".
Luckily for these days there are safety canal for accident prevention, 99.99% safe.

Easy Company is really the name of some US WW2 company, the call E for Easy. Locally its Echo Coy. There is one company jobs is playing music, they call SIR Band. Seems quite an easy job if you got the music talent.

Thumb Drive and the neighborhood police.

Thumb Drive and the neighborhood police.

Some time SG will comes out with some innovative consumer. Meaning something you actually  see and feel in daily life. Like making the computer talks. And recently , the portable storage device. The company is not really that big. Instead just located in some small industrial park in the east. Together will some family hardware shop and second hand computer dealers.

Get to see some neighborhood police patrol in mountain bike. Seems police also quite tough these days, finding ways around the town with bio muscle power. Very casual in Polos and Bermuda's. Will easily slip through as one of the neighbors uncles if not for the small POLICE insignia.  Not aware these are Law Enforcer with some power.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Just settle

Just  settle with Forever Summer.
Sound quite a OK name.
May be the Design make it more general.
As some Design Tee will be available in small quantity for SG 50.
The Imagekind Gallery gives not too big display.
They say its good for some copyright issue.
May be too small for viewing.
But the Pics are all in full resolution.

A more proper Website is out too

Gallery and Sale

The Print or Print with frame may looks something like this
"City Singapore , Skyline 2014 monochrome 2"  (2014) by sghomedeco
The Tee SG may be something like this

Bye Bye Round Table

Coffee Club Round Table

Round table sounds too serious, may have slim chance of getting into trouble little.
Some old title of Urban Rangers sound kind of relax.

The other blog was put on hold as some  "e-book" on progress. May put it on hold if other projects are doing well. Still media and journalistic matter make have some un-foreseen result, which is not to desirable.

Quite surprise that some main stream of China Elite of the old days, actually Total Westernization. Even surprise for SG people to know this. Even is SG is just Outside the sphere of  "Greater China". And still under the influence of the "New American Empire", dun forget that the 7th Fleet and marines are patrolling just outside you regional sea hundreds of miles away. With Nuclear Carrier stopping by to do refueling. No more sailor in uniform in the old colonial days. May be many came in as a Tourist stopping by for some R n R.

But US military is really advance. 25 years ahead even that of Europe. The UAV on the mean time is armed with guided missile. For China Economy is still doing good. But only can afford a refurbish  Russian Carrier. And the Fighter plane engine still got some issue, even its also a Russian Engine.

And now there is even a wheel vehicle for the load of the Infantry.
(This seem in operation )

And a Robotic leg version is out for field test .

Should be OK, quite Tech stuff. Info all out on Youtube