Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Random update 123

The wheel is still turning whether your are standing still or chasing hard for the wrong target. When China made thier first voyage of aircraft carrier. The Houston space station send off the space engineering as the space shuttle got  cut due to budget and out source issue. Of course there is better cheaper and safer method going to space. As the British vigin taking order for the commercial sub space travel.  Those hover helicopter are taking entrance into the market becoming top,want of this year kid. Some r n d project on hover bible will be out soon, people may be traveling in city on star war hover bike.

Culturally Singapore is celebrating some big party. Becoming a top tour spot on lonely planet is sure good new to the Tourism board and the hotel owners. But the city seems kind of overload time on, when the train system is not 100% any more. Many seems cannot anything that is less than perfect.  Human bio arm is still much better, as the latest Honda robot still have a hard time grasping a cup of coke and move it to the mouth.

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