Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shanghai Tang and Chicago School

This not the uptown Brand of Fashion on orchard Road. Its actually a very old Chinese Drama about those Gangs of Shanghai in the 20s. Your will be surprise that actually this Big Bros will flash out  the Thompson Sub-machine guns during big clashes. This is the Standard issue of the WW2 of US fighters, as some use it in the Medal of Honor PC games. The Chicago of the old is also commonly flood with these model. Probably the handiness plus fire power makes it the perfect urban weapon of choice. Just wonder how these people can get hold of the guns in these early days when even the national army uses older Springfield Rifle.

Chicago Business school is famous of course. But there is also an economic school of Chicago. Different from the classical Keynes Model. Even  "Free Economy" also has many of its "Gangs"

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