Sunday, July 26, 2015

Negotiate and action (society)

Better use the word society, in case many misunderstanding.
And some raw edit before out into the main mothers hip.
Cancel some content and made some finetune.
Then the first draft magazine  version.

Just some presence of sideline small talk.
Still whoever pick up and if can understand these kind of language style.
If not just treat it as a harmless joker telling some matter that will makes you smile accidentally.

Still need some sort of negotiation, verbal soft.
And  some action to move something.
Some street advice.
And some theory will helps too.

(Quasi neo co cofederate.) I myself  dun know the meaning, dun worry.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Federation and Confederation

Confederation sound like a neo federation

Blog is still consider some sensitive activity.
Maybe make it like lifestyle e magazine style, with casual joke . And some conscience.

Then a new account.
And a new platform (the unofficial one)

No more just a money making machine ... Sorry

A letter to whoever,

SG Inc. is no more just a money making machine anymore. Many business course actually incude topics like ethics and even promote corporate responsibility. So SG Inc according to this new model is not just money out and nothing in.

So sorry for that.
May be for a start will add some pressure like EXERCSE.
Really, some Korean Company really do THAT ...Ha ha ha ..

On Third Language

This is for those Super Elite Student, many may not have heard of.

Those super smart student, some in those gifted propramme are offered a
Third language choice.
Those cool language are popular one like Frence and German. Japanese is popular too. Guess Korean is gaining momentum as the K pop craze goes crazy. Actually many people in the world speak some ex world language like Spanish or even Portugese. You will though Maradonna speaks Argetinian, heard some people those area says they speaks Latin language like Portugese ....

New Era new demand

Guess the society is going one big round.
As eating problem arise in New York saw the need of Gym commercial.

To keep you slim and fit in the Urban Couch and computer technology.
People may need to goes back to air con gym with personel trainer to get trim up and diet up to stay at least in company corporate and business level fit. At least get the energy enough to get to work.

May be there will be a high arise in need of those commercial gym, new style.
Not just for keeping fit. May be it is for functional training basic level.
Back to Physical . One big round around.

Force V and S Federation

There is great difference in numerical number.
Force V has ten time the troop force, one of the largest in the region.
S Federation is two generation in advance for military technology, but only 10 percent in number.
( the most advance in the region)

North Federation is somewhat in between in number and technology.

The spearhead of S Federation is the 1st Laser Battalion. Fully operational Laser Rifle troop, full power and fully trained. But untested in the mordern battle field. Supported but two experimental Plasma Tank Platoon, just fresh out from the military R and D Lab, heard the first batch  got the lab burnt down. This is the first prototype that passed some testing.

Chapter Intro - First Laser Battalion.
( just some excerpt of a science fiction novel)

Unstuck and Rebound

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Real Simulation, Real Deter

Remake little and countrism

Still need some change here and there , not too fast not too slow.

Still need some linkage here and there.
Although much family are small are people say liberty win all.
But still need some social cohesion, simply for security reason.
Over liberty to become rebellious also another issue.
Downgrade to chaos

Pump SG : growth and over load

For muscle growth the principle is over loading.
This is not just exercise for health, but growing physically further.

The theory is stain the muscle overloading.
Doing an extra two or three reps maximum to failure.

Cardio run and biking is good also for some endurance.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Classified 101

Country Socio Little
(Semi Cohesive 200)

(0.5 % Theory Only)

Not too long ago ... not too far away

...Not too long ago ... not too far away...

Force V gathers thier troops along north of the Peninsular.

Kind of high tension of the North Feration.
The South Federation is also on High Alert Orange.

All the Semi Laser Battalion was Mobilised.
Including the First Laser Battalion. (Full Power Laser with Plasma capability)

The Last Division of Auto Grenadier Division was also told to be call back.
They call ther the Seniors.
(Just dun know whether those Bullets and Grenades will work in the New dimension of Warfare)

First Laser Battalion

First Laser Battalion


Business Workshop for Technical Manager
(PGDB - Business Education for Engineer)

Monday, July 20, 2015

Air commander and his Social Theory


Better start with some fact and some history little.

Mention a bit about some earlier Singapore COO, William Faquar.
He handle the OPERATION side of very early Singapore after Raffles left for some other Business.
Singapore is still not Raffles main Interest yet as the British Empire at that time is really still very Big. And Singapore is still premature before , the Boom Town, very Infantry Age - The fishing Village Age.  --- in some Sense.

There is also another Official Call Crawford - sound familiar too.

Singapore at the :fishing Village Age" is still much of an No Man Land. Almost every thing is free, even the Rent are Free and there is no Tax system. Its the Wild Wild East Era, like everyone that comes to the place and can be the chief in No Time.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Some Voice

Seems the Intellect has a voice ...
Here referring to the academic Intellectual  group.
Not surprising as its the smartest of all, inside out.

The Army also has a voice.
Refering to the defence group of people.
not surprising as its the power of all inside out.

PDF and such

Quite surprise there is even a upgrade for PDF.

Many knows about the 3 6 9 division of SG.
But who knows there is also a PDF people defence force.

Sound like a harmless unit.
Like made up of people carry cold weapon.

Check it out and surprise that it's actually a Full Division Proper.

Social invasion .. True or false

No need to tell you.
Go to the street and u will know.

Actually quite stupid for "them"
The reaction is quite natural for people.

And there is much action to take.
And much time too.

Is there a neutralism ?

Should have some in between stuff like neutralism.
Takes things at the center , evenly.

All things 50. -50
Not very right and effective in some situation.
But not everything's has a right answer.
Guess in these sort of case , best guess will be neutralism.

From Fortunism to Capitalism

Actually there is no such things as Fortunism.

But dun know what is it as there is no actual name.
Kind of fortune seeking in some bigger scale.

That's what Singapore is what is about.
From the long que for toto at weekend, u will know what is it.
Even some healthy games like Chinese chess has some , reward system I heard .

Real Capitalism seems have some theory behind.
No one this days read those thick volume of Max Weber or Wealth of Nation anymore.
Is good if you can read some essential summary by the fourth part.
Or some you tube video adaptation will be much better with animation.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Chapter curious cat

Kind of more pen and paper area, knowledge and hopefully some wisdom.

There is some high knowledge, more philosophy kind of economy  like  Adam Smith and Max Weber. Kind OD of theory which is not too far fetch from Singapore, even it's Western Greeky kind.

Adam Smith is known for his Invisible hand market theory, more specially the Big Book OD Wealth of Nation.

Max Weber is a Sociologist Philosopher that pushes Capitalist Side of Ism.

Probable the sub title will be Smith and Weber, what's this ??

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Remake SG little

Seems quite anti celebration at this season to talk about remake.

Thought you going to celebrate right.
At this moment shanghai stock index shoot sky high and plunge.
Even socialist beijing being gone full capitalist.

Still need some transformation to keeps things going.
At least at small company level, more prone to small change here and there.
Flexible what, not so much protocol and red tapes.

Guess those effective phycology like NLP will be a good start.
Seems quite a general effective business tool, modern version.

NB- remake is a Singapore old slogan from the high level.

Enterprise SG

Enterprise SG
NY Singapore

Nanyang Industrial and Commercial International (Singapore)

Chapter Intro - Fortune

Fortune - Silver Bullet and Rainbow Gold

Of course Gold is the Standard and the precious one.
Silver not bad too, seems like more usable in material science standard.
Silver is one of the highest conductivity for electricity and heat, among all the metal and matters.

This introduction better start with something more Capitalist. Talking about fortune in the making.  Some say Enterprise Business especially Tech company is the Silver Bullet. May be its good for some, with some Business and Technology background. Beside Talented  Creativity Personnel, Technical and special business skill is one of the most sought after demanded expertise. Never run out of business if manage properly and prudently.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Enterprise Training : intro and testing

Just some warming up.
Some western school coy suggest some physiology.
Sort of company PE lesson.
Do have some game play at corporate level.

But for more serious corporate performance.
Some gym stuff may be required.

(this is more for team level)

Pump SG : advance

Quite an advance training system , call Y3T

Seems like more advance hardcore big system.
For more advance training requirement.
( the the more serious people)

One level higher than the muscle and fitness level.
More to the Flex magazine level.
Really got to watch the nutrition eating.
Like some oats .... And drinking ...
And max out some natural protein bar and nuts.

Not yet raw fish cooking.
But can fish should be good enough.
The ultimate seems like cooking while raw fish. Low price and high volume, just need some cooking.

History u never know : revolution

This is actually the part 2 of the long series of the decline of Imperial Qing Dynasty China.
Not just Qing ended, but a super long reign of imperial feudal rule.
And the start of new China.

The start is The Chaotic Warlord Period. ( part 3 and 4)
Follow by World War 2 japs invasion.
And a civil war ( remote to most people here)

Revolution is around begin of the twenty century.
When Empress Chixi and Emperor Guanxu pass away, after prime minister Li Hongzhang.
The revolution is actually by the Imperial own New Army inspire by revolution ideas.
The army that suppose to suppress the revolution also take thier time to access the situation.
The revolution faction won own.
The Last Emperor finally force to step down.

Relation with SG . Some of the revolution is actually planned in Singapore.

Chapter : history u never know

Actually is part two of some not some far battle.

This one got some relationship with SG, not just some raw data.
Got some pivoting time line point.
Event has some people involve, .mr Yi Shun.

By some normal circumstance , is a old school local businessman which is philatropic.
But there is many other rich businessman , why is He name with a town.
Mr Yishun is actually a supporter of a team of businessman that support some Asia Revolution.
Very major wide level.

Chapter 5 random notes

May the more modern western NLP stuff and some new ideas are still quite new .
Even in the west town of New York.
There is even some compile business model solution tools now avialable in capsule book form.
And dozens of workshop and diploma available these day abundantly.

Guess with a few application with some effective tools.And some old common sense business sense, things can quite easily take off. For eg, customer service is still rarely exist in the place that SIA airline proud of. Some orient japs basic welcome smiley is seems like a rare case too.

Probable some new small business model will simple marketing and customer service and crush anything ahead.

Cool Socio stuff.
As contrast to cold politica.
At least half a level warmer to some humane standard.
Normal society people will yearne for some power at least.
Too soft will deem like Oreo softie which has many I'll effect ( see history lesson).
Many things are not well establish in SG even some basic Socio structure and basic mentality.
People just switch off seems there is NO NORM.

Quite difficult to put into concrete ideas.
May will takes some time.

Urban ranger and curious cat : enterprise

Before everything was establish, before Internet and big banks.
Have you heard of King of pineapples.
Before there is even a Eco system of economy and region global trade.
The business networks is already in the Billions of the day.

How big is a billion.
Imagine the pay of SG president for ten years, say 30 million.
That's less than 5% of a billion.

And there that is probable pre independence or even pre world war period.
Enough to support some big causes ....

Enterprise SG old school.
For some it's the natural way.
For some is like the fifth alternative way.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Iiterature SG

Once call a cultural desert, there is no much literature art and music.
Even there is , most are so call imports.

Home grown case guess is still rare these days, after much official promotion.
Often with much investment.
Still quite a uncharted area for most people.

So by some market theory, this is ironically an highly unchallenge field.
Some call in blue ocean theory, or total monopoly potential, even it's scope is general unspecialised  and intro level ( before beginner)

So is there any purple Jockey Cap and uncertain loyalty.

Strange that most of the place people are fighting for political power. In SG there is a strange phenomenal, people are COLD and try to avoid it as much as possible. Up to an extend that that it uses hight commercial lure to attracted people. So it's some power and some economical return to balance up the lost . May be even some community work will built up substantial social resource. Seems quite manipulative, but seems another good field  .even at random advocate level. Equivalent to fishing recreation.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Chapter 6 Socio n such

Actually there is a philosopher sociologist call Max Weber. Promoting seems a much tamer and mainstream capitalist sociology. Seems quite successful and practical. Around the same Era with the much .....

Mercantilism - seems like the main stream thinking for Singapore and seems permanent forever.

Technolism - also always on the fore front waiting for the next generation of computers and iPhone.

And ...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Fish ball noodle Tampines.

Not so serious ... Food Attack - 2 East SG

Fish ball noodle Tampines.

Location - Tampines Food Center, just beside MRT.
One of the more original that only sell noodle. Pure breed.
Very crunch noodle and everything is just nice.
Good quantity too.

Rating : 1 star.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Chater 7 - Lifestyle SG


Its actually not as hectic as Hong Kong and Tokyo.
Might be even slower than Shanghai.
Somewhat Rusher than New York and London.

Still got little America time and Kampong coconut weather.

Lifestyle here refer to as something like commercialized Art and Music.
Still can generate  some revenue if marketed properly


Urban Ranger - chapter 8 : Geo SG

Actually should be the same book.

May consider a split if the content overload.
Or got some new theme series comes by.

Geo SG
- Southern Most tip of Asia continent.

seems like repeated telecast.

2. Saigon is near than Bankok
Also repeat.

3. Where is Middle East - West Coast Jordan River

4. There is a Canton and there is Shandong.

5. North East Singapore and Town Egg

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Urban Ranger and Curious Cat : Chapter 9 - Some History you never know

Actually got some grammar error with the never. Never mind.

This is Chapter 9 of the second E-book. Since these days , many Beng and Tom are publishing books . This is a second book actually/

Some History you never know.

Opium War
Its the War that fought between China Qing Imperial Troops and British Force. Over the Dark matters of Opium. Really too dark and the dynasty sent Mr Lin to deal with it. Its a big revenue for the English, although not morally right. Saw some record the British fought thru many with much bigger force.

Jia Wu War.
Jia Wu is one of the year of the Chinese Calendar. Fought between Japanese and Chinese Qing Troops. It include a Sea Navy Way at Yellow Sea and Land troops at Korea.

Xing Hai Revolution


Pump SG - theory

Not for those Vain purpose.
Not even for exercise and health reason.

Just some tinkering in the stomach.
Seems like some security issue.
Some may say too phobic, already got so may army training and NS recall and such.

Still thinks its n urban environment.
The army ....
 And ....

Really need some traing 3.0
OT OT own time own target.
Hope not I phobic...
Hope that will not form some group.
It's personel n private ...

Adding some Chisel .. Sound tame ... At least ...
The jog goese well.
Add some rest in between, gym methodology.
Works well, won't feel like the grueling marathon.

Karate still sound violent. ( but that s may be the only hope)
Small stop .park

geo SG and some historic event

Call historical event.

And the chapter two of Urban Ranger and Curious Cat.
A Collection of random notes compile in one place, avialable in PDF form.
Dun know to charge or not at this stage.
The book one is out, call FIRST INK. Only got one Single copy physical. And a save copy on google drive. Still got many editing and some production marketing issue. The ebook version original got stuck with the epublisher.

May be write a reverse chapter.
The better one should be later and should put in front of the book.

Chapter 9 Geo SG and old Stories.
What does Saigon got to do with Singapore.
Yes they came in third in SEA game almost caught up with Singapore.

Cam relax a bit .... But ...

Of course these days many things can relax a bit.
Why not already first world already what.

But that's in general case.
The first world standard my personel guess is only refer to the only selected few elite.
Most people are still roughly about second world to 1.5 world standard.
Far from some western city.

At the point of time New York already ban those Styloform.
Yes those bubble plastic u use for art n craft.
Many cities already reducing plastic bags.
And Singapore is still bringing the while mall trolley back home and never return.

At least hold on to some standard.  ...say BRONZE standard.
At least not so bad.
Many cities are fast catching up.
Even China Third tier City are going on high gear, and they are with Giant Internal Market.

Daddy go where - East Singapore : Pasit Ris Park

Quite a Big Park actually.
Not much big open space these days in Singapore.
Beside for campers and those resort people.
Good for small family and groups for a late afternoon walk.

Got a big play ground for kids, should be a dreamland for these youngsters.
Many activities avialable . Biking for rent or just enjoying the sea breeze.
Even got a garden maze.

Can do some DIY picnic with some snack .
Or prepare some Kite flying with owns equipment.
Good for outdoor run too for sport enthu.
A good place for some nature seeker. Could catch some wild Birdie if lucky.

There was a time ...SG

"There was a time ... when Singapore ..."

This is some time zone back before 1965 ...
Guess information about this era is overload at this time of period.
And for some history student, its not really History Yet, sort of Old Current Affair in some strict sense.

May be some story will help people to digest better.

There was a time when Singapore has Battleship.
Strictly speaking its belong to ex-boss Colonial England.
But the Battleship really station in Singapore, or at least around the region.
Its one of the Biggest War-ship of its kind. Bigger even than the current Cruiser modern yoy get to see these days.
And there is TWO of the BATTLESHIP.

Some image may help
And its got quite a cool name too ..PRINCE WHALES ...


Monday, July 6, 2015

What is Aristotle ?

Aristotle is actually a ancient Greek Philosopher.

Some Social Scientist classify Aristocracy some sort like rule of the elite.
Sort of Chinese Scholar rule.

not exactly democracy, but closer to elite Republican.
Good effect is decision making by the smarter one which is more efficient and better result.
May be be truly democratic, consider people opinion.

But hopefully the smart ruler is not a too bad one.
 Made some decision that b
Really benefit people.

Some philosopher actually dun totally agree with democracy.
Yes it's the ancient western thinker who say that.
Stating the majority must be intelligent. And mature enough on the whole.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Some History you may never know - east Asia Sea

There was once that the situation is totally different.

When the Qing China is still intact as one but is near its end.
Buts it's still one of the stronger in east Asia.
In fact it boast the No. 1 Navy Power of Asia at sea.
With the latest and Biggest mordern battle ship of the time.

The Japanese is still half way thru the Meiji reform.
And was intimated by the Chinese fleet navy visit and decide to catch up.
It takes some year for japs to acquire some big ships with big guns.

There is then a important historical event call Jia Wu War.
When the Japanese and Chineese Navy fleet clashes.
So it's nothing new even back before WW2.
Surprise that even Russia was defeated by the Japanese later at the sea.
And that between roughly imperial and modem age at the turn of 20th century.

So what happens today is nothing too new and kind of rather tame relatively.

Physical Education 2.0 and SG Inc 2.0

Economy is still a much comfortable subject for SG.
Any ideas or plan no matter how outrageous is good for Singapore  if it's good and produce positive economy result. Basically got to keep those OCBC business mentality, making a living and making a fortune. Also good add some American Enterprise in addition to the British conservative. Some may say all Ang Mo are the same. But there is great difference between Romantism Italian , conservative Bristish and Enterprise America. Yes, they are NOT all the same. What if some one tells you you all all the same, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Obviously, you will say it's different.

As for the Exercise things.
It's should be a BUILT IN life-style thing ....

nB : personally will go for some more personal private free style. Keep away from all the noise and guess will be much more peacefully.

Friday, July 3, 2015

HIIT exercise. Coming soon.

Wil probably hit Singapore in one or two year time.
Because some program went so popular in America that even the version 2 or three is out.

Referring to programs like PX 90. Which is quite effective in giving ordinary people a chance to have those celebrity 6 pack abs.

Unlike more tradition exercise, it's emphasis in intensity short burst of exercise in cardio state.
Doing its not too long in time, will shape up the body quite significantly.
See difference between long distance runner and sprinter.

For SG sport and exercise is still quite a fringe sideline activity.

Lifestyle Blogger : what is that ?

Quite a special field. Even has some award sub divided into various category. Some are food and cooking, some are bilingual blog. Can be even specialized in more minor subject and category. Seems like one of the hot emerging field commercially.

Media itself has already some influencing power. Some considered it as the 4th or fifth power for the tradition print media journalist pro. Blogging eats into media too, beside some personel vent for complaints and tips on hobby and gossip.

It's also a support complementary IT social media. Some what like reserve information on product and service, for more insight. And weekly offline random update. People seems like will search for some basic FB page and blog page for some info.

So Blog itself is growing both digitally and media wise.

Lifestyle : The EDB ( economy board ). will put some real art and music under this category. Really some official emerging economy sector. Quite mature in some Big region.  May some not too OUT stuff will do. And basic understandable written language will do. Content wise, major in the General Not-Too-Out will do.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Food Attack Singapore : the Theory behind

Since there is food critic, there should be some theory too.

Food has a special place in Singapore Chinese Culture.
There is even a saying, that food dinning and cooking is a Priority in many heart ranking.
It may surpass many field, even hard subject like science and art.

In fact many Chinese pride the self of its cooking skill that Chinese restaraunt Dishes is only comparable by the French dinning  Others are only below standard.

That's why Singapore street food sometime enjoy it's out of proportion glam  n attension in the media. The TV producer knows for sure that it's food search TV program will never goes out of Top rating. Even it's just surround the few theme like Katong Laksa, and plain chicken Rice. Becos the stomach gotta goes hungry everyday.

Pump SG21 - Advance Exercise

Simple plan is the standard 3 set of exercise. But less rep with heavy weight.
This is a total body program. Doing each muscle group separately. 3 round for some volume.
Doing 3 round per muscle group. ( shoulder, chest back, arm, abs and leg)
Add some bar bell complex.
Stretching and diet nutrition may kick in at this stage.Always good to drink more water.
And add some intensity and distance to Cardio Run and stationary Bike. 30-40 mins

Heavy Weight 8-10 reps.
Super set and Drop set.
German Volume Training.
5x5 strength.
Protein bar and Egg for growth.

NB : for those going for muscle growth. Can goes up to 90% max or failure.

Pump SG 21 - intermediate exercise

A standard good 3 set of 12 reps with be good for Guys.
No need to do a No Pain No Gain , full reps until fatigue.
A 75 % maximum weight will do.
No need to go for heavy weight, moderate medium 8-10 kg dumb bell will do a very fine job.

Some recommend 2 round per muscle group.
Intermediate level for those not too unfamiliar with physical exercise. ( not so inactive lifestyle)

Chest and Back

A standard 15 min -20 min light jogging or bike will do.
Some may like the latest HIIT Exercise, Crossfit.
It's actually a return of  Circuit Training and Aerobic exercise.

Getting Serious

At least , looking at the bright side.
People are getting serious about those blogger.
Not just lifestyle, where is the best Pork Rib Soup of West Singapore.
But so serious that you can actually get sue by Top Law firm.

This may be the power of the new digital media.
In addition, some lingual power And agenda scope far reach by the normal lifestyle blogger writer.
One step below lime light of social presence, whether it's good or bad.
Down to just some commercial value with the Socio stuff.
Seems like a good ultra high emerging business field.
Wether just for marketing, digital content.
Value essay content information, or story of the day.

Just the revenue model is still green.
Even the super big corporate media like Facebook and YouTube are still thinking plans to mike the Cow. Even when the Cow has already grow full size mature.

Food Attack - BBQ Chicken Funan Food Court

Nasi Padang, Spicy Chicken and Rice, Asian Food

One of my favorite Nasi Padang BBQ Chicken .

Pump SG 21 - General Exercise Workout Plan 2015

Pump SG 21
General Exercise Workout Plan 2015


A general rule of thumb will be 3 set of 12 reps for each muscle group.

For Beginner, a 2 set will do.
12 reps of Shoulder Press.
Chess and Back - Machine Press and Lat Pull down.
Arms - Bicep Curl and Triceps.
Abs - Crunch or Machine Crunch.
Leg - Lunge and Squat.

10 mins of Cardio Stationary Bike.