Monday, July 13, 2015

Chapter 5 random notes

May the more modern western NLP stuff and some new ideas are still quite new .
Even in the west town of New York.
There is even some compile business model solution tools now avialable in capsule book form.
And dozens of workshop and diploma available these day abundantly.

Guess with a few application with some effective tools.And some old common sense business sense, things can quite easily take off. For eg, customer service is still rarely exist in the place that SIA airline proud of. Some orient japs basic welcome smiley is seems like a rare case too.

Probable some new small business model will simple marketing and customer service and crush anything ahead.

Cool Socio stuff.
As contrast to cold politica.
At least half a level warmer to some humane standard.
Normal society people will yearne for some power at least.
Too soft will deem like Oreo softie which has many I'll effect ( see history lesson).
Many things are not well establish in SG even some basic Socio structure and basic mentality.
People just switch off seems there is NO NORM.

Quite difficult to put into concrete ideas.
May will takes some time.

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