Sunday, July 12, 2015

Iiterature SG

Once call a cultural desert, there is no much literature art and music.
Even there is , most are so call imports.

Home grown case guess is still rare these days, after much official promotion.
Often with much investment.
Still quite a uncharted area for most people.

So by some market theory, this is ironically an highly unchallenge field.
Some call in blue ocean theory, or total monopoly potential, even it's scope is general unspecialised  and intro level ( before beginner)

So is there any purple Jockey Cap and uncertain loyalty.

Strange that most of the place people are fighting for political power. In SG there is a strange phenomenal, people are COLD and try to avoid it as much as possible. Up to an extend that that it uses hight commercial lure to attracted people. So it's some power and some economical return to balance up the lost . May be even some community work will built up substantial social resource. Seems quite manipulative, but seems another good field  .even at random advocate level. Equivalent to fishing recreation.

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