Wednesday, March 29, 2017






Kitchen got some Hidden Pitfall also.
Cannot See.

should go for Work Shop.
Or under some Teacher.

It is quite a DAGEROUS Diet

Imagine some proportion of people say 5%.
Just Eat the THREE PIECE MEAL as their Main Diet.
Not eating the side. Carbo and Small Veggie.

And this Contribute to 40% of their All Food.
Guess will be "Out of Order" in 7 years time.

Another even worst.
Got an Extra Helping of Extra Piece from some One. Can't finish lah , can help or not.
And these contribute 60% of their Full Diet.
The Fast Food are all so common these days.

Gone in 7th years.

Realised the  BBQ smell so nice after some DIY.
Give a "THREE YEAR". May be worst than Chain Smoker.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Back Fire Liow . Ha Ha.

I knew the "Garment" is trying to attract Good Talent by introducing the "Smart Nation" don't know . what point zero.

But this High Tech Things somewhat back fire. Becos.

The  "First World" actually still in the Analog Era.
Trump Prefer Old School Mega Structure than New Clean Tech.
The Finance System simply to complex for Him, just SCRAP in. (I only know how to built Big House and Big Hotel)
He prefer to Built Wall than New Weapon Machinery.
Actually the Solution is so simply Analog.

Reminds Me the French Army Destroy by the Viets.
Before The US Airborne comes in.

The Japanese are still EXPORTING Street Singer.

They thought All Ang-Mos are like the Hollywood Space Suit Guy.
Actually most are Like Mrs Yellow Long Head. The Simpson Family. You should watch these Sit Com, Soap Drama to really understand the Ang-Mo Better.

Back Fire Liow . Ha Ha.
Resume 2016

Whether you're a recent graduate applying for your first job or a workforce veteran who has held the same job for years, you may need some help – or a helpful reminder – on what a resume should look like and what should be included.
To start, there are a few different resume formats to consider – chronological, functional and a combination of both. For the purposes of this article, we're referencing chronological, which is the most commonly used format.
Also, there's no one-size-fits all approach to resume writing. It's always important to customize your resume to fit your experience, as well as the industry and job description.
Now that we've gotten those disclaimers out of the way, here's a rundown of what to include in your resume – section by section – along with some industry-specific samples.

Contact informationThe header of your resume is where you should include your basic contact information: name, address, phone number (the number you can most easily be reached at), and email address. Depending on your industry, you may want to also include your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and/or Instagram URLs/usernames.

Professional summaryA professional summary is a concise, one-two sentence overview of your skills and work experience. This is often most beneficial for experienced workers, because it's a way to recap your diverse capabilities at the top of your resume.
Example: Marketing professional with more than 10 years of experience in online, interactive marketing and advertising in a B2B capacity.

Summary of qualificationsThis section can be in addition to, or in replacement of, the professional summary. (Remember: Resume real estate is precious so only include both if you truly have something unique to say for each section). This is a list of five or six bullets highlighting your strengths and biggest accomplishments.
Example: Exhibit excellent analytic skills and possess strong attention to detail, which allowed the recovery of almost 500,000 in misallocated resources during the year-end close.
Professional experienceThis is the "meat" of your resume; it's where you list out your work experience, in reverse chronological order. Generally, your most recent job should take up the biggest space on the page. The exception would be if a previous job aligned more closely with the position you're applying for.
When writing your bullets, avoid just stating your job responsibility. Instead, include quantifiable achievements that were a result of your work.

Example: Managed team of 15 accounts payable specialists and improved productivity by 15 percent with smaller lag time between invoicing and payment.

Education and trainingIf you've just graduated, it's OK to include your GPA and any coursework relevant to the positon. If you're a few years out of college, ditch that information and keep it simple, listing the college you attended and its location, the degree(s) you graduated with and years attended (although including "years attended" can sometimes date you). Also add any additional schooling or certifications received, especially if you've attained skills that will help you be successful on the job.

Worst than the Local Farm Pigs.

The Tech Stuff and Such  is moving too fast for Singapore. Guess only the Tech Guys and Young People can barely catch Up. Common people may take some time to realise they are on a different Place. The Foreigner are totally out of the Game in this Area, Plus the Complex SGP MRT System Map.

Sound like bad news. Guess many will complaint.

It is.
Good News.
Why ?
Because the "Foreign Talent" will automatically be eliminated because of the Tech Move.
Simply cannot cope because of the "Climate Change" and "All the UpGrade"
Even if you are a Super Genius Talent. You will be Bite by this Weird Mundane Stuff and Chicken Rice  Sauce. Ai Hiam Mai Hiam. This is No Plan to this type of things.

Reminds me of the Cruise Movie, where the ALIENS died of the Small Infectious Virus.
Thought they got Harden Alloy Armour. Worst than the Local Farm Pigs.

No Joke, this could be the Scenario if the Middle East Situation continues.

The refugees from Syria are regardless of Class. The Chaos sent everyone away, no matter you profession. Some of them might be college PROF with Senior Positions. But still got to escape from the fighting.

Some may ends up in Asia, not all got to Europe.

Meaning some might get into Singapore.
Joining the Wave of Uber Driver as the Market continue to Open.

This is a Good Intro to the Tri Chapter.

Chapter X1 - Invasion of the Foreign Talent
Chapter X2 - The Local Fights Back
Chapter X3 - The Return of the Heroes.

Monday, March 20, 2017

North Sea Oil and Such

e-Resident id-card

They really issue a ID Card for E Estonia Citizen. Cool.

Quite suitable for small Country like Singapore.

Pull in some China Advantage.

Use to some USA Hollywood and Brits Things.
Stay Neutral in Regional Affair, Offend No One.

Now there is this ESTONIA Citizen Ship. E Smart version.

Check that is close to North Sea. May be there is some left Over Cluster of Natural Gas Oil Field.
Accessible to Main Europe Region just beside Finland. Cool.
Still under NATO protection Right.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


China set to invade, retake Taiwan by 2020: Taipei

Marine Dragon (Video !!??)

Special X Strategy


Another False Opinion

Reservist Army Camp Training is Easy. People just Go in Roll down their Sleeve and Wait for Time to pass. Times Up and Book Out.

Actually it is VERY XIONG and Tiring.
Even More than Running a FULL Marathon.
Feel it during the First In Camp.

Transit from Urban To Military Also Big Challenge.
IPPT used to be Easy. It is also Difficult went u are not 18 any more.

Reserve Unit form the Major Fighting Force . It is NOT a Back Up Force.

The Situation Got Worst will Sit Com Drama Joking to Drive Up Ratings.

Probably the Director will be serious Punish in the Ancient Chinese Days for

Chapter X Defender of the City

Old Tale

Singapore suffer from some Fatigue Tale of the Old Defeated British, Against the Japs. Quote he Historical Incident of WW2 saying the vulnerabilities of Singapore City.

From Another Point of View

From Some Logical Military Analysis. Singapore is Actually a Good Position for Military. From Ancient European Castle, there is a Natural River Strait that PROTECT the City. Just Short of Crocodiles and Hanging Bridge, it is a PERFECT FORTRESS in Europe Sense. The Brits is Not wrong saying that it is a Unbreakable Castle.

From Ancient Chinese Point of View. It Spacious enough for Living and Room for Defend.

The Popular Opinion is the Japs easily take Singapore without any effort.
But Realistically. The Japs sent the very Best Troop, The Royal Guard, and suffered Obstacles from the very First Days . Story about Japan Soldier dugged deep into the Shore and to avoid Machine Gun Fire. The Long Journey of Malaya Jungle is Not a Easy One, Facing Something like Whole Division of British Infantry. Even Got Ambushed and Suffered Casuality in Muay by Aussie Troop. The Aussie commander once thought THEY GOT IT.

The Singapore Battle is Not Easy Too.
May be if the Defender just Last a Bit Longer. The SURRENDER will be on different Side. Logistic is always a Issue if the Battle Line stretch to too long and the Battle lasted too long. A tired travel Troop against a Rest defender is Not Good Too.

Project 7x7

(important too)

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A whole series of Mumbo Jumbo that most reader will not understand.
Even Chinese Reader.

Its just some personal Memo and Reminder.
Some are Philosophical Chinese in very Raw Forms.
Please DO NOT learn and Apply without Proper Guidance.
Consequence on your Own.

Basically are just some Old Chinese Stuff which may still applicable in Todays Life.
Where it is Family, Work or Life.
Do Decide Upon and read logically with common sense.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sunday, March 5, 2017

So Tao Random
Compassion Buddha
1. Advance Spiritual System

Set Up Some Advance Spiritual System

Don't Think not much people will understand.

2. Some Chinese Letter  and English Passage.
Hopefully will DIY Publish into some Book soon.
Guess the Chinese version will be Out Soon.
Due to some Market Force.

3. The IT and Communication System is Up too.

4. Some Basic Finance.

5. Hopeful Some Logistic and Admin Issue .
Total Settle.

A Simple IT and Communication System

Face Book


Will Check Once a While

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Special Door Strategy

Chapter X South China Sea Belongs to China 2

It is very difficult for China to take back the South Sea, after Absence for almost a Century.
Even with the Booming Economy, the USA 7th Fleet is still a GIANT.
Sound like the CI-YOU of the Ancient Era, A GIANT TRIBES which fight Against the HUANG-DI.

May Be SUN ZI ART OF WAR is NOT Enough.
Got to search for the OLD SPECIAL DOOR STRATEGY by the Ancient Sage.

It is a Very Old Complex Military Strategy.
That use Maths , Geography and Astronomy.

It is Really a LOST ART.
Only exist in Chinese Geomancy Business.

Image result for 北斗七星阵

QI MEN (Special Door)
 A Different World View.

Instead of calling themselves "First World" and Other 2nd ...

This is a Arrogance Attitude from many Ancient civilisation.
China actually see America as a New and Young Country that going to bring Destruction to self and the World.
At least they are doing something like building walls to block the Drug Lords.

The Empire still dream of "Conquerors" by building more weapons.
Don't you know World Peace cannot be achieved by Building More Destructive Things.
It is so obvious, can't you see its.

Kind of Think that Queen CiXi.
Instead build Garden to change the Feng Shui.
Seems a Strange way.
May be She really has some Real Reason.
Zen Garden and Chinese Bonsai
(New Project. Small things that suit Singapore)


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