Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Chapter X Defender of the City

Old Tale

Singapore suffer from some Fatigue Tale of the Old Defeated British, Against the Japs. Quote he Historical Incident of WW2 saying the vulnerabilities of Singapore City.

From Another Point of View

From Some Logical Military Analysis. Singapore is Actually a Good Position for Military. From Ancient European Castle, there is a Natural River Strait that PROTECT the City. Just Short of Crocodiles and Hanging Bridge, it is a PERFECT FORTRESS in Europe Sense. The Brits is Not wrong saying that it is a Unbreakable Castle.

From Ancient Chinese Point of View. It Spacious enough for Living and Room for Defend.

The Popular Opinion is the Japs easily take Singapore without any effort.
But Realistically. The Japs sent the very Best Troop, The Royal Guard, and suffered Obstacles from the very First Days . Story about Japan Soldier dugged deep into the Shore and to avoid Machine Gun Fire. The Long Journey of Malaya Jungle is Not a Easy One, Facing Something like Whole Division of British Infantry. Even Got Ambushed and Suffered Casuality in Muay by Aussie Troop. The Aussie commander once thought THEY GOT IT.

The Singapore Battle is Not Easy Too.
May be if the Defender just Last a Bit Longer. The SURRENDER will be on different Side. Logistic is always a Issue if the Battle Line stretch to too long and the Battle lasted too long. A tired travel Troop against a Rest defender is Not Good Too.


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