Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Back Fire Liow . Ha Ha.

I knew the "Garment" is trying to attract Good Talent by introducing the "Smart Nation" don't know . what point zero.

But this High Tech Things somewhat back fire. Becos.

The  "First World" actually still in the Analog Era.
Trump Prefer Old School Mega Structure than New Clean Tech.
The Finance System simply to complex for Him, just SCRAP in. (I only know how to built Big House and Big Hotel)
He prefer to Built Wall than New Weapon Machinery.
Actually the Solution is so simply Analog.

Reminds Me the French Army Destroy by the Viets.
Before The US Airborne comes in.

The Japanese are still EXPORTING Street Singer.

They thought All Ang-Mos are like the Hollywood Space Suit Guy.
Actually most are Like Mrs Yellow Long Head. The Simpson Family. You should watch these Sit Com, Soap Drama to really understand the Ang-Mo Better.

Back Fire Liow . Ha Ha.

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