Monday, February 27, 2017

300 Good Works
Ba Zi ( 8 Number)
Basic Feng Shui
Sitting Zen Meditation (Zhuo Chan)
Mi Zhong
Nanyang Pure land
( 6 Generation - 5 Leaf Pure Land)
Good Work 30 Project
Taiji and Long Fist (Advance)

NB : If I tell you Tai-ji can Fight may be only 20% will believe.
NB2 Better Include Long Fist Chan Quan. Much More Convincing.

Include (small system)
Power Training + Punch Set

(For Member Only)

(normal member : $5 per Entry)
(Premium Members $50/month)
Basic Feng Shui and Life/Destiny (8 Number)
Singapore Chinese Mix Martial Art
9 Set

1. Boxing Combo (3-1 Combo)
2. Karate 1 (Punch and Kick)
3. Karate 2. (Chop and Kick)
4. Chinese 3 Punch
5. Chinese 3 Punch
6. Chinese 3 Punch.
7. Taiji Can Fight
8. Taiji Can Fight
9.  Taiji Can Fight

NB : Include Weights (3-5 Set) and Jogging
NB2 : some vdo

Combat Taiji 13
(For Members Only)
Special Door Strategy (奇门)
Tao Philosophy 101

Actually this is derive from some complex Strategy Military of Ancient Chinese Philosophy.
It has now become some Mysticism used in Feng Shui.

Consider all Factor of.

X Mystery (Unknown Factor)

The Basic Pattern Do Not follow exact Logic .
But some Special Procedure
Like This

Probably Appication
StablizeTown and City.

If Possible the Region In the Advance Stage.

NB : Fire. Water . Knife
Crash Course
Special Door

Special Door 18 Strategy

Special Door 18 Strategy
奇门遁甲 18 局

Ultimate Fighting Station
(7x 105 on a Rover)


Special X1
Chen Tai-ji 13
The Easy Kung Fu

They Really Want to Fight.
I Mean Punching  Kind of Fighting
Medicine Mantra 7x
Fighting Tai-ji
Combat Taiji 13
Taiji Can Fight...Are You Sure ?

Sunday, February 26, 2017

What is a VX Syrup

Probably the Most Famous chemical Ingredient Now in the Town.

You must be living in a Cave if unheard of this Assassin Tool.
Whether it is a Work of a General Agent.

Or a Pro Assassin.

Or a Specialised Venom Killer. (U got to Ask the Big Fat Boss behind.)

Probably a Highly Concentrated King Cobra.
A Wild Street Guess.

No use if you got it.
U still need a Well Synchronised Plan and Escape Plan.
Heard the Planner Took 3-4 Indirect Flight Path to Return to North Korean.

Cool. From Literature Story Point of View.
Bad from Legal Point of View.

Its Complicated. From Political Point of View.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Real Proper Way.

Do Some Feng Shui
Do Some Good.
Go To Temple.
Get Some Statue.
Burnt Some Incense.

NB - This is the Chinese Buddhism-Taoism Way.
NB2 - But you can never always get the Process Right. Depend on the Condition (YUAN)

The Chinese Will Usually Knows. Like do SOME CHANTING.
Do Some PROSTRATION (Li Bai. Very Important to reduce the Karma)
Do some Offering (For Merit GONG-DE)

Do Some Good Again.
Observe Some Moral Conduct.
Wish for Some Good Things and Fortune.
The PRECEPT Things will comes very Late for Chinese

Strange Advice From High Lama

Always recommend a Proper Procedure for PRACTISE.

Sitting Zen Meditation.
Modern People prefer to DO first.
It Looks Good and Cool to Practise Zen Sitting.
Hopefully Cultivate Some kind of Patient and Focus Mind Power.
And Also Some Sort of PEACE OF MIND.
May be this Sitting Meditation of Zen can Help Me to achieve That.

Those Season Buddhist may already have some Buddha Mantra On Hand.
If Not OM MANI PADME HUM will be Recommended.
This is the Tibet Tradition. Call Mi Zhong in Chinese.

Pure Land.
Any Buddha Name will be Good.

Strange Advice From High Lama
This is quite some different advice until really Read the Art of Happiness.
Always Recommend  Chanting OM-MANI-PADME-HUM + Art of Happiness To Westerner. That is may be the Only Thing you ever need to Know.

The Advice from High Lama IS

Community Center You mean.

Some Proper Tradition.
Will Be
Some Tao Practice.
Some Confucius Practise.
Some Small Vehicle.
Some Larger Vehicles.
(this is the Proper Procedure)

Y-Bike 36
(The Law is Out)

Interior Design + Chinese Feng-Shui

New Project
Interior Design + Chinese Feng-Shui
Wind and River 21
Wind Blow River Flows

different Nanyang Style

Didn't Know there is 3 Chinese University in Malaysia. Or at least one of them is College Level if not Wrong.

Then the Chinese Letter Project will have an extra 50% Market .... totally for free.
It is the Same Same but different Nanyang Style.
Of Course SG will be More Urban, and Less Kampong. Unless it is Pre 60s which will be Closer then.
The Dollars is even Now Ocean apart. There is a time when Ringgit and SGD is Same Value. No One Believe.

Probably will rush Out the First Few Series, a Similar Book Project.

Like 50 Printer Copy. Or 500 Book Publish Version. Test Test Market.
See Put in the Wet Market Got people Visit Or Not.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017








An Army Walks on Stomach

Its is actually more than just this statement.

Napoleon used this Logistic Strategy to strike his First Victory in Battle.
Instead of Tradition Big Supply Station.
He ask his unit troop to Search for Food around the Surrounding village and Town.
Soon the soldier  becomes expert in finding HIDDEN FOOD SOURCE.
And Determine the Victory of the War.
This Probably makes the Battle Troop more Nimble and Well Fed, Thus more Energy in fighting.

He was Told His Looks Like Some Old King Conqueror in the very early age.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Special Counseling Service

What is Your 8 Numbers ? (Destiny)

$29.00 (For Visitors 2 Pax)

$19.00 (For Local Chinese 3 Pax

NB1 : Visitor  Culture Difference of 10 Degree
NB2 : Local Chinese : Culture Difference of 3-5 Degree)


Was Checking Out some
Probably some Toaist/Buddhist King for Celebration

But came across this Ang Mo Style Tao Wedding
Really Strange.
Getting Married on a Bagua. Never see any Chinese Doing This.
Mostly you see Kung Fu Master practicing on the Hexagon.
But they really DIT THAT.





满月礼,又叫弥月礼,小孩出生满一月举行,主要风俗有:一、满月酒: 民间普遍流行的满月礼风俗。此日,亲朋好友带礼物来道贺,主人设丰盛宴席款待,称为满月酒。二、剃胎发:满月时,为小孩第一次剪理头发,称为剃胎发。一般是请理发匠上门,理完后给赏钱。小孩则着新衣。三、移窠:又叫移巢、满月游走等。民间风俗,婴儿初生是不能随便走动的,到了满月时就可以了。此时,母亲抱着婴儿到别人房间中去,四处游走,称为移窠。四、弥月祈福:在满月这一天,恭请法师诵经祈福,祈愿婴儿生命顺遂、健康如意、正直善良、一生美满。



  • 世界上多数民族,都有比较丰富的生命礼仪。这种生命礼仪是贯穿人的整个生命过程的。它从一个新生命的诞生开始,至生命的逝去而结束。中间经过了成长、成年、婚姻等环节,生命礼仪是生命历程中柔软的结点,它承接了上一段生命历程,又开启了新的生命前景。

  • 生命礼仪是人生的一个个驿站,对于年轻的生命来说,生命礼仪带来的是新鲜、喜悦、兴奋,如同追日的少年,登上山顶目睹太阳喷薄而出的感觉一般。憧憬在心中荡漾,壮丽的生命前景在眼前展开。而对于成熟的生命个体,生命礼仪则象冬日暖阳般的温暖,如同雨夜疲惫的路人歇脚的驿站。历尽跋涉艰辛的生命个体,由年少时对生命的憧憬转化为了感悟,回望来时之路,心中充满着回味与感慨。但是不管是如风的少年还是沉静的中年,或者是安详的长者,生命礼仪都会给人们心底一份温和的滋养,温情的抚慰。

  • 在人生的每一个驿站,希望都有我们和你共同度过,希望佛法的光辉永远与你同在,陪伴你走过生命的春夏秋冬……


A Complete Teaching

A Complete Teaching

NB : May not be Very High or Profound. But at least it is Complete. (with Wedding and Baby Ceremony)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Chapter X - Urban Ranger and Curious Cat

When Dragon Rules the World.

Actually there are Good Dragons. The Virtuous Dragon which is Intelligence, Sensible and Power.

The Chinese Concept of Dragon is a Totally Different Concept.
It is the Mystical Dragon that Live in the Sea Palace and Sky. (Can Tranform into Human Form, with a Dragon head)
The Main 'Duty' is to Provide Rain Officially.

It is always the Symbolic Ruler under the Heaven. The Philosophy Educated Ruler that Runs the World. The Great Emperor.
In Ancient Classical Text . Seems like the Ancient Sage Kings Rides it the Day.
Six Time Dragon.
The Philosophy is seems too deep even for the Modern Chinese Philosopher. As the Book Dated back to Early Ancient Time, and Middle Ancient Time. (Yuan Gu, Zhong Gu). Yes before Confucius the Sage Philosopher.

Seems the World will be a Better Balance.
May be like America and Russia (Hard to Imagine He is the Good Guy, But look at the LAND SIZE !!)
And China (Let the Old Wise Man Runs the World As Well, Should be a Better Tomorrow)

A Triple Equilibrium will be a More Stable Globe.

May Be like China-Japan Alliance Leading Asia - Thus the World.

like 40 (America) - 20 (Europe-Russia) - 20 (China-Japan Asia)

Who Knows. It is a Better Formulas for Stability.
This is from some Geo Geography Point of View. People some time like to mess things up.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

System 2 - Thinking about Thinking

Thinking of Thinking.
Actually there is a Simple Thinking Tools that may be useful. At least the Writer say it is.
That is the Mind Map.

And there is a Old School call Standard Notes.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Old School Tips (Photography)

 Rule of thirds
Leading lines,
and Natural Frames.

社会的错与西毒。- 这是哪门子的社会啊!!





你所看到的好莱坞‘ 是百万元的虚幻制作。人要这样“飞”起来’不是太容易。古代也只有王重阳才做得到(传说中)


Tuesday, February 7, 2017





Super Man and Spider Man are Not Real - Two Rougue State

By this rate of things going on.

The U.S.A. will start to believe in Super Man and Spider Man.
The Iconic Pop Culture Made by Hollywood.

Feel that some how or rather.
Some Leader with Super Man mentality will over writes the Real Rule and Governing of the Two Worst State. After the Failure of Detroit as an Example.

I am Not Kidding.
The Governor may be a Super Gym Trained Colledge Genius that manage to sway the Popular Support of the 51% of the Badly run State.
Nothing can be Worst.

Forget about Republicans and Democrats.
Lets Try the "Iron Trio Combo of Super Man Bat Man and Spider Man".

I am Not Joking.
They Push Mr. Trump Up. On his 100 Days (a Corporate Management Philosophy on Politics)
Why Not Hollywood.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Cow Car Water and Chinese Mafia

Chapter X Cow Car Water and Chinese Mafia 

literally: "cow car water"

I did  Not say this.
This is a Direct Quote from Wiki.
Trying to get some  Read Up before some Shots Series.
Guess it may help to Up the Standard, dun know to what extend degree.

But find other interesting stuff too.
Like :

Cow Car Water and Chinese Mafia - A Sure Hit Sub Title.


Urban Ranger and Curious Cat

Image result for singapore cat
This is not my shot. Still yet to get a cat into a studio.

Urban Ranger and Curious Cat

Still a Bit surprise to see a Published Poem Book in the Book Store.
Not just any book but some Modern English Poem.
It is still a new and Growing Emerging Market  (Not too Small)
May able to accommodate some Spicy Trilogy.
And Shot Novel (New Genre)

Chapter 1 Half Freedom Society ( New Title)

Some Plan and Written with some Care

Curious Cat (New Content)
Chapter 2 Rule by Law and Order and The Fist

Military Grade
Always joke that Singapore may not have Secret Police like the KGB that watch you all day long. But during High days and Festival. Fully Armed Militia is Presence right smack at the Central of the City Hall. Beware. Not to scare you. Just stating some fact. Most local are somewhat to a certain extened military train. But Visitor may feel this Intese Pressure. It is NORMAL.

Shek Ah

Economy Rules

Culture Grassland

Urban Ranger
Chapter 3 Think Twice before you say

Singapore Mine
Singapore is really a Top produce of Military Mines. Those related to the Military Product Industry Knows one or Two. (Major in Engineering - Cool). It is the Mine that kills the Foot Infantry around the World , and heard its SG TOP SELLER.

There are also Social Mines in Singapore. The Basic Principle is to keep a Harmony Society. You content can be Delicious or Even Explosive. But No One wants to get hurt Physically and Emotionally.

Foreigners are too easy to fall into This Trap. And the Consequences might be more SERIOUS than you can imagine. (reference Thai Kingdom). Beside these the Traffic Transport System of MRT and Bust has gotten from Complex to Sophisticated. Seems this Robot Sky net System has gone out of Control, and has a Consciously of its Own. ( Dare to Believe) It may be a Live Artifical Intelligence L.A.I. by itself with its coconsciousness self concept. No one really knows when its will turn Alive.
(There are still some benefit in the Western Singapore.)

NB : Roughly about First Year College English Standard Easy for All.








Sunday, February 5, 2017






Thursday, February 2, 2017

Chapter X West Wood and the Last Four Good Wizard

Chapter X West Wood and the Last Four Good Wizard

May be Plus a Grand Senior Master specialised in Good Spell Book.
After which The Good Magic descend into Bad Spell, for personal Glory and Gold Piece.

Once a while there will be Some High Master that Master Part of the Good Things.
Things Goes off after which the Disciple will fight to teeth among themselves.

West Wood Kingdom is a Small Independent Kingdom Good for Trade and Technology.
Most are decedent from the Great Land of the Great Philosopher.
Busy with Economy and Good Life, only a few track the Path of Mystery Philosophy.
Most cannot take of High Demand of Intensive Study with Low Material.
Some say its takes at least 20 Years to become a High Master Philosopher, and that is just the Beginning. The " Practise" may take the rest of the Life.
Obvious People choose High Life and Luxury.
Other Powers and Fame.

Only the Super Nerd and  Super Innocence may start by a Apprentice Philosopher.
The Second Grade becomes Musician and Crafter of Philosophy.

NB : may be will take a few run to get a Rough Complete Story Skeleton.
Related image
Image result for thai buddha drawing
Sun Mantra
Recommend 50 x

Complete Diamond Mantra 5x O.K.
10 Offering
20 Good.

Image result for buddhist mandala







Image result for 形意拳

The Goondo King and Eagle Shooter.

The Goondo King and Eagle Shooter.

So far the best title can get.

Probably 2-3 Generation ahead for the Western Reader.
5000 copies for Local.
50,000. For West.

It is a Total New Genre . Not From This Continent.

The Evil King is a Humanoid Barbarian Mix that wield 2 50 Kg of Battle Axe.
His Evil Magician Throw 3x Magic Arrow, 1/2 a Fire Ball a Broken Shield and a Perfect Ninja Smoke Screen (for Disappear Escape Act 3 Pax Only)

The Good Guy.
A Lady Heroin with a Mongolian Bow.
A Hero with a Thin Sword and Dragon Palm (with Internal "Chi" Energy)

Adaption 40% of She Diao.
40 % Creative Story.
20 % Discourse of Two Tower, Tolkein.

It is a Commercial Writing Project.

Chapter 1

Chapter x

Chapter 3.

Chapter 20.

Total Raw and you will not understand much until it is complete.

5000 for Local

Re Edit for Western Reader 50,000.
( a Editor Required)

9.90 - Vol 1 and 2

14.90 Complete  (Edited)

Just some Concept.
The Far End Spectrum of the Two Tower ( Re Interpreted)
Image result for Black Manjushri Mantra