Thursday, February 2, 2017

Chapter X West Wood and the Last Four Good Wizard

Chapter X West Wood and the Last Four Good Wizard

May be Plus a Grand Senior Master specialised in Good Spell Book.
After which The Good Magic descend into Bad Spell, for personal Glory and Gold Piece.

Once a while there will be Some High Master that Master Part of the Good Things.
Things Goes off after which the Disciple will fight to teeth among themselves.

West Wood Kingdom is a Small Independent Kingdom Good for Trade and Technology.
Most are decedent from the Great Land of the Great Philosopher.
Busy with Economy and Good Life, only a few track the Path of Mystery Philosophy.
Most cannot take of High Demand of Intensive Study with Low Material.
Some say its takes at least 20 Years to become a High Master Philosopher, and that is just the Beginning. The " Practise" may take the rest of the Life.
Obvious People choose High Life and Luxury.
Other Powers and Fame.

Only the Super Nerd and  Super Innocence may start by a Apprentice Philosopher.
The Second Grade becomes Musician and Crafter of Philosophy.

NB : may be will take a few run to get a Rough Complete Story Skeleton.

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