Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Strange Advice From High Lama

Always recommend a Proper Procedure for PRACTISE.

Sitting Zen Meditation.
Modern People prefer to DO first.
It Looks Good and Cool to Practise Zen Sitting.
Hopefully Cultivate Some kind of Patient and Focus Mind Power.
And Also Some Sort of PEACE OF MIND.
May be this Sitting Meditation of Zen can Help Me to achieve That.

Those Season Buddhist may already have some Buddha Mantra On Hand.
If Not OM MANI PADME HUM will be Recommended.
This is the Tibet Tradition. Call Mi Zhong in Chinese.

Pure Land.
Any Buddha Name will be Good.

Strange Advice From High Lama
This is quite some different advice until really Read the Art of Happiness.
Always Recommend  Chanting OM-MANI-PADME-HUM + Art of Happiness To Westerner. That is may be the Only Thing you ever need to Know.

The Advice from High Lama IS

Community Center You mean.

Some Proper Tradition.
Will Be
Some Tao Practice.
Some Confucius Practise.
Some Small Vehicle.
Some Larger Vehicles.
(this is the Proper Procedure)

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