Friday, February 26, 2016


Armament and Personnel
Laser - change to 50 mm Auto Canon x2
ATK Missile 7 x4
3 Barrel 12mm Gatling x3
Personnel - 25 Special Force P90 Rifle
1 Commander 1 Drive 1 Support

A Safe Bet

A Safe Bet - (Rating - General , With Parental Guide)

Kant -Philosophy

Descates - Philosophy

Weber - Sociology (should be Safe, depends on your Region)

NB : One Big Round Back to History Again (Hegel Recommendation)

A General Feel of Early Singapore.

Not the Chaotic Times.
Things has much Settle down then in the 70s.
Just remember there is lots of Campaign and Chinese Folk Song "I am a Bird " was Played repeated on the Radio. Wonder why such a common tune is well loved by people. It is a start of Some local Pop Music by some group call MRT -Di Xia Tie. And a  Shui Chao Trio Singing Group.

The Policy seems to change much faster than the Cinema Show.
Lin Qing Xia is still very young, and Bruce Lee just passed away.

There is No local TV production until Wu Shuo Nanyang.

Beatles Sings in some Saturday Cartoons.
And Sesame Street still teaches American English throughs its weekly show.
Remember Cookie Monters and COUNT Dracula.

MI6 Profile of Lim Bo Seng

This is some New resource from a new book on World War 2 Singapore name Singapore At War. Seems like a New Book by some New author that done some New Research. The SOURCE is very new too, as mention in the Book by Romen Bose . It is from REAL M!6 Profile of Lim Bo Seng, .Kept in secret for 60 years and was only de-classified and reveled really NOT  TO LONG AGO 2005.
Cool .....

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Green Light - I am Searching for You

Green Light - I am Searching for You
(it is just Mando Pop Lyrics)

One Step Closer to the Holy Grail Search Little Singapore.

It is Unofficially MORE Right Now, after some search and random meet.

It is Call


A certain type of London Social Democracy that promotes Gradual Reform.
Who really want too be turn Up-Side-Dow the Next Days.
Probably more Practical and Effective.

May be some have forgotten

Friday, February 19, 2016

Amazon Publishing

Seriously, really need some radical reform.

Socially need something just perish away.
Some suppression of some kind.
If not really dun know how to make progress, even at personal level.

Something is just TOTALLY Unacceptable. (Classified).

Even a short visit to some Old Town just just outside Central.
It is even worse the Geylang in some Sense, Really (Secret, things may just not as it seems)

This RADICAL REFORM is deem too late, too soft.

(it worst then when one is Sick)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Better Stick with some Good Standing.

Of course time will shift and detour away from the guidelines as time goes by.
But there is still some fundamental that got to hold on too.

Seems things are breaking apart.

May be like 5 Basic Guidelines.
10 Intermediates
20 Advance Points.

Sociology Singapore
Ultra Spicy and Little Provocative

This will be considered  "classified " in the Olden Days.
But seem SG is much free now, it is Spicy and nerve irritating, the Most.

Singapore Minority Report.

No one is 100% Perfect, even the so called the "Great"
Human is not so Great as the publicity stunt make you look so.
May be still Super Ultra Excellence or 95% Perfect and Great.

But found some discrepancy about some old things of Singapore.
Hopefully it is not like the movie minority report stuff.
Reality   is much more complex.

Better take some time to check first.
It is like something happen in the 60s/70s I not so democratic and free from western point of view.
But from Eastern side it is already very good already.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Market Force is Simply too Powerful

"...The Market Force is Simply too Powerful...
Even more Powerful that the Government and IMF..."
Asian Financial Crisis 1997

A very Short documentary

The Market Force

...SOME TIMES AGO...1997 S'pore

"...the Straits Times Index was allowed to drop 60%..."
Singapore 1997 : Asian Financial Crisis

Further information: Economy of Singapore
As the financial crisis spread the economy of Singapore dipped into a short recession. The short duration and milder effect on its economy was credited to the active management by the government. For example, the Monetary Authority of Singapore allowed for a gradual 20% depreciation of the Singapore dollar to cushion and guide the economy to a soft landing. The timing of government programs such as the Interim Upgrading Program and other construction related projects were brought forward.

Instead of allowing the labor markets to work, the National Wage Council pre-emptively agreed to Central Provident Fund cuts to lower labor costs, with limited impact on disposable income and local demand. Unlike in Hong Kong, no attempt was made to directly intervene in the capital markets and the Straits Times Index was allowed to drop 60%. In less than a year, the Singaporean economy fully recovered and continued on its growth trajectory.

The Lost Modern History of China - from 1911-2011

The Lost Modern History of China - from 1911-2011

Some Material :
Movie 1911 - Early Modern China, Late Qing Dynasty

Esplande Theatre and Raffles City

When the Blue Print Plan of the Esplanade Performing Theatre is Out.
There is a Big Roar on this Big Project, with very high budget spend on Art and Music.

But Music do play a Big Part in Ancient Days Chinese Culture, guess the same for Other too.
Some believe that with Custom and Music , a place can be well Manage and Rule.
Beside the "normal" Military, Administration system and Philosophy and Law.

The Raffles City Weston Tower stand beside here.
From the View from the Marina Bay Sands

National Musuem Singapore, History Gallery

Currently there is a History of Singapore Gallery on Show at the Museum.

Not a Long History Relatively.
But quite a interesting one, with many twist and Turn.

Early British Influence with some English Officer on display.
And Chinese Influence and the Majority.
Even has some record of some World Historic Figure.

The Independence Struggle is actually quite a long 10 years from Autonomy to Independence.
The housing programs are on display too.
With some interesting old House-hold memories brought bad.
A typical Old School Living room and Kitchen in the early days.

Dark Age of Singapore - Japanese Occupation.
A Big Japs Tanks was brought in too, with the fame Bicycle Attacks.

City by Night Image (Original), Random

City Singapore has quite a fantastic , Night city skyline.

This is a shot from the City Center Singapore River.
Not really night, but evening hours just before Dark. (some call I the Blue Hour)

The center Building is the New UOB Tower. Guess it is the  of the tallest skyscraper around the
region. On the right is the OCBC Tower, quite a old building build much early.
The rest are mostly commercial bank that forms the main Cityscape of the Central Business District.

The Singapore River used to be crowded with Big Ship and Small.
Memories tells about Heavy Duty Worker carry Weighty bags of Rice to and Fro , the Boat and Warehouse.
May be that is the training ground for some Singapore early Olympic Silver Medal. A Mr. Tan got a First and Only Silver in the very early years.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Its everyone birthday - Old School Lunar New Year

There is a different purpose for each of the 15 days of the LNY.
Some taboo here and there, big and small celebration.
Different ranks of people and different groups of people to visit.
This days in modern Society, it is good just to have a Good Dinner.

The extra bonus will be some Luo-hei , some Red Decoration and may be some Lucky Lottery (guess it is fine).

But there is a special day, actually for everyone.
It is the People Birthday.
Everyone grows-up 1 year on this day.
Quite a General Good Birth-day for everyone.
Why not everyone celebrate Birthday at ONE SHOT. Thinking alternatively it is kind of Efficient too .

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Chapter X The New Chinese Theory

Quite a relative new time for the Chinese in the 20 century.

Those bad feudal imperial system is change over to some New Republic System.
The Chinese mentality also went through many changes.

A typical writer evolve as the new Chinese Thinker that influence many.
It is Lu Xun a Doctor turn writer that established the New Chinese Mindset.
The language itself went through a total Change from Classical Chinese to Common Plain Chinese.

The overall theme also quite Counter Tradition, try to catch up with the New Trend of the World

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Anti-Social De-Activist - Debut (for the Very first time)

Don't Change anything.
Why change ?
Any change is actually useless, the Best is let it be.
Meaning just let Nature Takes in course.

The Best "Policy" is don't even influence at all.
Even it is for the Good or for the Bad.
If things Go Good it is Good.
If things Goes Bad - Sooner or later it will be a lesson learnt.
May be better than the one that took the Good Path.
The lesson learn from the Wrong Path may be 50% more worthy than the other guy.
Then The Other Guy that took the Good Path because of the Theory he learnt from the book.

The Real Experience gain may be more value.
Closer to common people mind and heart = Translate into more support.
Compare the one in the Ivory Tower, Air-con Office, or even the High Rank Officer.
The Best Wisdom Practical Applied Wisdom from Real Life with Real Result and Real Revenue.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Really some CHIME Stuff

Highly Classified.
Got Some Risk Involved.

But really cannot understand just the.

So back to the You Tube.
At least video understand a bit.
Really not my cup of Tea.
Guess will last only for 2-3 month.

Guess they recommend some dose of Philosophy and Politics.
It is part of their Solution, just follow only.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

a Evergreen Business Model

Chapter X - a Evergreen Business Model : Oshin Mart

Michael Chang IT Solution Firm is consider a Small Enterprise. Less than 50 staff working each on their notebook computer. Making Web Development for Big Corporates , and Program Solution for the Industrial Partner. The Problem is it is a Global economy, and this Days even the Brazilian knows about High Tech Information Technology. And the Russian Scientist  guys are tired of building Nuclear Warhead for KGB. And many turn their interest to commercial Private, Hard Ware Tech and Software Tech Consulting - meaning eating up some of the Market Share.

Perhaps should goes back to family business of Provision Store Business. This E-commerce Retail is up and coming. Not a back idea, some real goods and some Computing. Sound like a good mix. His dream is actually to be like one of the Old Japanese Soap TV series O-Shin, end up a Big Boss of Some Mega Mart Chain Store. His Idol me Li Kashing of HK has a chain Retail Store, Seems like a evergreen Business Model. Good on theory and Profitable in practice.

NB try to throw In everything, whether it is Japan Hong Kong, Shanghai or Singapore, or Harvard. Make it a remix that no one really knows what is in the Rojak.

de Kreativ Riter

This is a variant spelling of the creative writer. Guess Singapore point of view is unique enough to be call some degree of creativity. For example the case of South China Sea, the awkward Situation is dun know which one to side, just stay neutral will be safe.

From Chinese point of View.
Of course the South China Sea belongs to the Chinese. That is why it is call South CHINA Sea. I dun see any issue or What so ever here.
Of course this is a provocative and not very right statement. Probable the Vietnamese and the Philipino will not b very happy.

From S.E.A. South East Asia point of view.
Seems like really "Eat" into some of the Territory. But dun know whose "creative idea" . Building a island out of No where in the middle of the Sea. Guess there is not even a single letter on this field when comes to International Law. Like there is No UN before World War 2. UN was created to prevent another Big Scale Global War. Guess will take some time before some draft on this issue to be made.
Old Moral are Corrupted  (Chi Ren De Li Jiao - The Old Teaching are Eating People)
New Chinese Mentality (Singapore version)

Not just moon-cake and Romance of Three System.

Actually there is a definite New Chinese Culture movement call the May-Fourth Movement.
Quite a Big Things for Chinese as it signified a New Era. Not just politically but also socially culturally. It even affect the language itself. The Old Classical Chinese is really difficult, limited to just a few Elite Literate class. Chinese Language was popularized into a new form Bai Hua meaning White Plain Language. So you write like you talk, making the language more common and accessible to pubic mass. This in turn has big  impact in Science and Commerce as the Literacy Rate goes up.

The First Few Pioneers of this revolution is actually oversea scholars in Japan. As Japan went thru Meiji Reform first in East Asia, trying to catch up with the Europe-America. Japan is just next to China, so oversea Study First Choice is Japan. Actually many of early reformer like Dr Sun Yat-Sen, Chiang Kai Sek has early experience in Japan.

One of the Lesser Known giant figure will probably be Lu-Xun. A Literature Writer that establish the New Mindset of the New Chinese. Not directly involved in the Revolution Blood, He is consider as the Pioneer Thinker of New China through his Literature Book.

Mind you that this think has some sort revolt Thinking even to the extend of Anti-Old Culture. Like the Old Moral are Corrupted kind of things. Even some modern people will be surprise the Modern Style of Thinking.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Old No

CHINESE Don't eat Rice until the Song Dynasty.
Don't drink tea too.

Drink Wine in the Tang
There is Only THREE Law !

Not the Three Law of Physics.
But during some part of Early Han dynasty.
King Liu (not emperor yet) only set THREE Civil Law for the City.

This is the Simplest Chinese Law ever.
Can check history one.
In Chinese it is Call Yue Fa San Zhang

It happens when King Liu conquered some City and replace the Old Qin Harsh Law.
Who say Chinese got complicated Custom and rules

Best Still In Ancient China, Before there is Philosophy.
There is only Music and Custom. That it , No Philosophy.
Some say that even those Rules and Moral even burden people down.

If that is true. Should No Do More Reforms and More Rules.
Actually should Trim Things down.
According to Engineering Principle too. More Sleek and Efficient.

we are irrational being and make mistakes !

The Original Quote from Aristotle is we are Rational Being.

I turn it up side down
we are irrational being

How Long is the Long March and Who is Lu-xun ?

This is actually 2nd level intermediate question.

The First Question is What is the Long March. ?

And Who is Sun Yat-Sen ?

But to speed things up. Get this Two at the same time.
More content on single post too.

Long March is one of  Greatest Physical Feat of Human in the twenty century.
It is a Strategic move by the Chinese Red Army during the early years when they are purge by the Nationalist Army.
It covers about Thousands of km/mile, probably 8000 km/mile, for a period of 1 year.

Should be OK as it should be History Now . Even by China Standard. For SG it is Pre-Historic, anything more than 50 years. It happen in the early 30s.

Guess the new generation SG NEVER heard even  about this things ?

 Who is Lu-xun ?

NB1 move the brain
NB2 Sell the idea.
Slow Change and Don't Change

What kind of Left Wing is This ?
You call yourself Leftist if you dun reform.

I mean conservative adjustment is good.
Why fix when it is not broken.
From Engineering Perspective, the norm is try NOT to touch the system.

The Old Bird will tell you that if the System is running at 70-80%.
It is good enough, if you temper it .Scaly dropped down to 40% operation.
Then you are in Trouble.

Best is follow the Establish Norm. Some Proven formula.
Don't spend and keep quiet.
Does not sound like a Leftist Reformer.

NB : There is a Sima minister in Chinese Song, conservative type - looks quite OK. The other Wang propose harsh reform , end up in failure
NB2 : The Best is to Cook some old food like Fried Hokkein Mee.

NB3 : The Most Passive is Don't do anything unless it is necessary. Don even  move too much