Monday, February 1, 2016

How Long is the Long March and Who is Lu-xun ?

This is actually 2nd level intermediate question.

The First Question is What is the Long March. ?

And Who is Sun Yat-Sen ?

But to speed things up. Get this Two at the same time.
More content on single post too.

Long March is one of  Greatest Physical Feat of Human in the twenty century.
It is a Strategic move by the Chinese Red Army during the early years when they are purge by the Nationalist Army.
It covers about Thousands of km/mile, probably 8000 km/mile, for a period of 1 year.

Should be OK as it should be History Now . Even by China Standard. For SG it is Pre-Historic, anything more than 50 years. It happen in the early 30s.

Guess the new generation SG NEVER heard even  about this things ?

 Who is Lu-xun ?

NB1 move the brain
NB2 Sell the idea.

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