Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Old Moral are Corrupted  (Chi Ren De Li Jiao - The Old Teaching are Eating People)
New Chinese Mentality (Singapore version)

Not just moon-cake and Romance of Three System.

Actually there is a definite New Chinese Culture movement call the May-Fourth Movement.
Quite a Big Things for Chinese as it signified a New Era. Not just politically but also socially culturally. It even affect the language itself. The Old Classical Chinese is really difficult, limited to just a few Elite Literate class. Chinese Language was popularized into a new form Bai Hua meaning White Plain Language. So you write like you talk, making the language more common and accessible to pubic mass. This in turn has big  impact in Science and Commerce as the Literacy Rate goes up.

The First Few Pioneers of this revolution is actually oversea scholars in Japan. As Japan went thru Meiji Reform first in East Asia, trying to catch up with the Europe-America. Japan is just next to China, so oversea Study First Choice is Japan. Actually many of early reformer like Dr Sun Yat-Sen, Chiang Kai Sek has early experience in Japan.

One of the Lesser Known giant figure will probably be Lu-Xun. A Literature Writer that establish the New Mindset of the New Chinese. Not directly involved in the Revolution Blood, He is consider as the Pioneer Thinker of New China through his Literature Book.

Mind you that this think has some sort revolt Thinking even to the extend of Anti-Old Culture. Like the Old Moral are Corrupted kind of things. Even some modern people will be surprise the Modern Style of Thinking.

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