Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Talking About EBAY. UMM.

Still wonder how the Blogger get their REVENUE.
Considered a well guarded secret in the Trade Line.
Ads or Sponsor or else where.
Don't think they get a Pay Check from Accounting Department.
Most probably got a Digital Credit Account.
And All things Pay thru it.
Probably the first Pioneer of this Digi-Bank Stuff.
Still Slow Three Step.
Just Manage to get a Passive Pay Pal Account with very Slow Cash In.
Mostly from Stock Photography Singapore.

May be can set up some Pseudo Personality Like XIA-HAI. Meaning going to the See. For a Seaside sunset or meaning wise doing some adventurous.
The Name is Y.K. as printed in the Army Uniform. Straight and Direct.

By this time the Que is Long. The Most you can be some Not So Well Known Personality. In some field Photography, can Cook Well For Guys. and Doing some E Commercial. EBAY Store.

Talking About EBAY. UMM.

Things are Getting Rough in the Region. America is Not that Popular. With some War in Vietnam and Middle East. Killing Bloodshed is not welcome in anywhere anytime. The there is some Viking Blood in the some People, Always First to Start some Fight and Battle. So Different from the Chinese that Say courtesy is the Way of Life. 
Lucky that the More Party that are involved the Less like is that to settle for a United Troop Unit. Lone sanction is what USA can do NOW. You want USA-RUSSIA-CHINA-JAPAN-KOREA to set up a United Front. No Way  , No One Even think of These Ideas Any More. Guess Hard Sanction is the Highest to Go for the Rest of the Decades.  

Singapore Side. Still Trying to get Perfect 100% in Everything. There is No PERFECTION in Life. Even the Ancient Emperor The Dragon Breed call hiself 95% Jiu-Wu.
Perfection like the Japanese leads to Disaster.
90 % Young Jiu , Use Nine meaning there is some thing Left.
100% you think there is that all the Stop.
90% Oh still got some Room for Improvement and Things will just go on and On.
Something Like That. Some Rough Yi-Jing Philosophy Ideas.

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