Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Was Listening for Charles Dicken Tale of Two City.
The new tool English Learning.
Was Researching for the New Book Tales of Three City - Singapore Hong Kong Taipei. AFC 2.

Found Jame Bond is Level 5 English.
There is a Real Story Dr. No. and Real Author Ian Fleming.
Consider Old School.

Guess the English Is still New compare to Tom Sawyer.
Remember got some Strange Old Word.
Not in Modern Vocab.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Just For Fun .Just For Info. .Just For Deter

Seems like better complete Demo

Super Old Jackie Chan

Unknown Movie Pole

Yang 40 Tai-Chi




  1. 推究事物原理。

  2. ①《礼记·大学》:“致知在格物,物格而后知至。”

  3. ②宋苏轼《谢兼侍读表》:“恭惟皇帝陛下圣神格物, 文武宪邦。”

  4. ③明王鏊《震泽长语·经传》:“盖知物之本末始终,而造能得之地,是格物之义也。”

  5. 鲁迅《伪自由书·透底》:“于是要知道地球是圆的,人人都要自己去环游地球一周;要制造汽机的,也要先坐在开水壶前格物。”

  6. 纠正人的行为。

  7. 清末称西洋自然科学为“格物”。

SGX Singapore
Sample Only

Strait Time Index

For Those Really No Idea.
Just Came In From Green-Land or New Guinea.
This is the Trading Board For Singapore

Shang-Hai Composite
Honk Kong Heng Seng
Singapore STI SGX

Dow Jones
S & P
Global Index
Commodity and Soy Bean
Tanks and N. Korea/ M East

Assignment YY2 : Re-Sell

Print For Sale
New York Manhattan

Contact For Detail. Low Budget Price
(Singapore Only)

Not Just Sport Performance

Yang Style Tai-Ji Quan
(Traditional 85 Full)

Probably the Most Traditional Form Modern People Can Perform.
There is some Element for "Practical Purpose" in Traditional Form. (Not Just Sport Performance)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How About - Commodity and Rare Metal (A Wild Guess)

This is of course pretty scary for most people.
The shout Calling and Putting on the Stock Floor Put most people away.
But this is the start of Proper Trade.
Where is a More Proper Job than a Financial Analyst (Commodity and Rare Metal).
A Typical Common Executive in a Capitalist World.
Even Russia has Business Going, yes Singapore 3-In-One Coffee is the MARKET LEADER in Russia and Eastern Europe. N.K. was Kept Separated may be for Some Special Reason.
What Can Be a More Real Deal Than a ORDER in the Stock Exchange.
NB1 : Project 1 P Gulli. Got a Feeling that there is always some that Don't do their Home-Work. Careless. Or Simple Sleep in the Market.
NB 2 : There is always Some in need of Cash. and Stock Out in the Market.
NB 3 : The Rest is Real Skill. Tools, Method and Experience.
(But the Best is Still Shi-Ye, Real Industry. Which Personally Prefer. Those Real Chain Store with Secret Recipe. May be Some Other Times. But for the Time Being. This is It.)
Chapter A1 Pseudo Corporate Life

Guess it is a Mix of Personnel Business and Small Corporate Style. Today World is Totally Mix Up. You CITY may be totally Rampant taken over by Some Other Foreign force beyond you Imagination. ( short of a Alien Invasion) Driven Out to Some Interim Center before you find your way thru Snake-Head to Some Eastern Europe Country. Yes Eastern Europe is Relative Good. Hong Kong and Shang-Hai is Paradise-On-Earth free from Terror Net-Work.

Having a Small Office and Some Trader Operation could be the NEW MIDDLE CLASS Life-Style. Minus the Heavy Rental. Probably the Return May be Not too Far Away from Small Business Chain. Which is a In-Practical Dream which may never come true. May be Gone are the Tow-Kay Days. Today even Coffee Shop are Backed by Million Worth Power Group.

Chapter x Normal Life

Chapter x Normal Life

Seem like it is not normal to have a Normal Life.
After reading some New of People Losing His Eye After Loosing His Leg.
So Getting in Some Recovery Mode is a Middle Upper Good Things After All.

Even US the A under some Past Hurt of the Civil War.
Not just Some sort Family Argument. Word Battle.
Neighbour Quarrel.
Some Chinese Harmony culture still Hold.

If the Main Media Event Goes Violent and Evil.
Meaning the Fall of the West may be Not Untrue After All.
And Restore of Chinese Moral meaning Rise of Middle Kingdom to the Peak Again.
May be Buying Cheap House in Johor may not be Enough.

May be like Retirement to Hong Kong ? .....

Yes .
like about 15 Years will be Good Enough.
"PEACE" finally。

Chapter x Past Major Affair

Chapter x Past Major Affair

Something in the Past which consider Major Event. Like Afgan War

Armys that takes years to built was Mobilised in Large Scale. May Last only Several Months or Year, but Great Impact to Global Affairs. Great Economy Used to, Imagine Firing Tom Missile that's looks good as the fire Works. A few Order and Press of Buttons. But it Caused Many Million in Operation and many more Research effort and Funds. And it is the Peak of Human Advance Technology.

Cannot Imagine the Whole City Got Occupied. Not just the Home and House. In Middle East, The Whole City or Whole Province was Occupied by Foreign force. Totally Unimagined by Singaporean living in Peace and Only take Part in Exercise. Some Older Singapore Chinese still have Faint Memory of World War 2. Whether is Local or China Theatre. Some Feel it is More Real Matters.

No One like "Foreign Talent" But compared to Whole City Being Occupied. It is a Much Much Better Scenario. Not just for Economy Purpose. If City is Fully Grow in some Sort of Country Size like 10 Million. Than Any ill Intension will be a "Much bigger Effort".

A Hong Kong Movie say its Japan Car can only show its Power after 10,000 RPM. May be the Real Power of Singapore Will show passing the 10 Mil Mark. Are You Nut. This is even "Worst Than" the Official 6.9 Million Target. Sorry , From the Civilisation of 5000 Years and Billion Population. 10 Million is Not too Much Actually.

Urban Technology should be able to Catch Up Also.
Got to Remove the Phobia City being Occupied.

Actually the Original Intensions just to Update Some Current Affairs Matter.
Exploring the Possibly of Some Stock Trade, See How it Goes.
But the Random Notes may come past as a Small Book

Monday, August 21, 2017

Will be promoting to Word Press Soon.
Seems like more pro.
And can have some Revenue to.

Probably will focus on 5 platform


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Chapter 2 Remix - Still feel a bit Scary

Chapter 2 Remix - Still feel a bit Scary

Trying some slim chance of Revenue to some E-Book.
Since it is Electronic Age 2.0.
from Bank Teller to Online Payment.

Grandma Used to scared of Getting into Lift.
When moved from Village to HDB Flat.
It is Real Phobia.
Some Old School People even brings in their Chicken and Reared in New Estate.
There is Time when there is some Waste Food Collector in the Old Days. They say it is for Feeding the Pigs in the Farm. Anything will do.
These Day still have Galong Guni asking for OLD TV and RADIO.
Still have some Visitor from Rural Area. Trying to get into the Fast moving Escalator in the Mall.
It quite Scary if it is for the first time.
Say some Kid accident using the Escalator.

Things move on.
Still quite insecure about Online Payment.
Maybe you know too much.

But the World is Catching Up.
Move On or you got Missed Out Totally.

Image may contain: one or more people, cloud, sky and outdoor
Old Chinatown BW

Manage to buy 30 min time.
Thru Paypal.

Photography Credit.


Pay Pal


Library Account.

Strange the system deduct straight. did not do anything. Account key in.

Upgrade to

Electronic Payment
1.0 NETs

2.0 Pay Pal.
Nets Flash.

Kind of Slow.

Wing Chun Pole

Normal Pole

Movie and English Version
Lite Social Concern

Strange to see Long Term Stuff in the Speech.
Usual is just Economy and other Immediate Issue.

Of Course Immediate threatening Issue got to deal with before the LUXURY of Long Term Comfort Issue.

Still feel Something Strange.
Hope Won't get people Offended.
Some Philosophy still prefer the more People Style Approach.
Bread butter People, Sword and fist Issue.

Before Things Really Got Fall Apart.
Do Upgrading on Moral Philosophy.
Common sense says that adequate Moral Credit will makes things Much easier.
Some Courtesy is a Must and Compulsory if you want to get things done .

Some Diy Personal Defence in the Topsy World.

Some "New" WAY of doing things.
The Proper of Proper Way. Thing CONFIRM much Smoother.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Chapter 1  No Politic Please

The Only "Politic " is Putin and Trump. But that should fall under Times Magazine Current affair. Guess that is the Safest Way in Book Publish in SG. Earn Some Publication Money and Stay away From Trouble. No Politic and Political Issue Please.

There are still Tonnes of Matter under the Sun.
Science Fiction. Romance . History. Time Travel + Korean Pop. Stephen Kings Horror. General Fiction. Fantasy. Chinese Fantasy. Martial Art. Western Martial Art. Quite a Long List. don't worry.

Even City got Nature. Like Small Eagles and Otter Family. Can be a Full Feature Series with Photography.

Or Simple Chinese Painting like Bambo Drawing

For Legal Issue. It Old Chinese School. Even you are in the "Winning Side" Don't Get Into It.
Wing Chun Bridge
(Level 2)
almost complete

Xia Hai

Xia Hai - Meaning doing some Small Business which has Low Profit and some extra Effort. Usually refer to Old Time Uncle Do Business After some Retrenchment or recession. As it has No Barrier. Just a Phone and a Fax in the Old Days. 21 century. Just a Mobile Phone and a Website, Virtually Any Product you can find in the House. From Second Hand Camera to Clothe Dryer, anything with a Price Tag on it.

they call in Uh-A Boh-Ah.
Loosely translate as "Some Have or Dun Have" Don't have meaning it does not exist yet may be I can Customised Fabricate It JUST FOR YOU. Street Creativity.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


When Tai chi is Still a Martial Art

The Legendary Taiji Martial Art becomes an Tai-Chi Exercise.

There used to be a time when Tai-Chia Quan is a Real combat Martial Art.
Don't know since when it become a Pass time Hobby for the Retired at the Park.

The Earliest Record is Tai-Chi taught to the Qing Dynasty Militarist.
The Simplified Yang Form.
Grand Master Yang is call Yan Wu-Di meaning Invincible Yang.
Meaning He win a least most of the duel Comabat Fight Hand to Hand.

Meaning all the Hard Form Soft form and Military Form and Wrestler is NO Fight for Tai Chi Yang.

Prbably No One Knows How to fight with Tai-chi Anymore.
Really Lost Art.
Need some Experimentation to Recover Some.
At leasr Last a full round like agianst a Amatuer Boxer.

May be like the Old Form 2.
Some younger Trainer.

In the Meaan time got to bear with WING CHUN.
Fool Proof.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Private GYM
(with Punch Bag m Wooden dummies)

Image result for modern gym weight

Jackie Chan Also Use Wood Dummie

Chinese Style Rocky Training.
Support Material.

IP version
3 arm 1 leg

Sure Fire hit in All Circumstance

Its is not easy to explain the Middle Way.

Even the Wiki Simple Version has some deeper Meaning.
NOT For the Fainted Heart. Need Extra Charge to Decipher the Inner Stuff.
This is a duo Poly Business Project.
The Other Party is Some College Prof.
Hidden Somewhere in the Language Lab.
If you can find those Hobbit。

If Not here is the ONLY PLACE.

Middle . Just remove both Extreme End.
Take the Medium or Median Range.
Sure Fire hit in All Circumstance.

NB : Sorry It is Kind Of Pop Philosophy. Need Thinking


"... ... ... 由诚而达到明,再由明至于诚 ... ... ..."















Bamboo, Giant Bamboo, Bamboo Wall, Yellowish, Plant

Thursday, August 10, 2017


S.L.T. x50 (Wingchun 1)
Bridge x25 (Wing Chun 2)
Finger x10 (wingchun 3)

Certified (Unofficial)
(with Disclaimer Paper)

($75 - Partial)

 (Adobe Fotolia)

Work Sample (All Rights Reserved)
Royalty Free Copyright

City Skyline Singapore
City by Night, City  Center Singapore, Cityscape, Urban Landscape,  Bridge and Building

Business and Project
(Non Operational Preparation Period)
(Funding and Account and Support)

Super Low and Off Period (Long Off NDP Season)
Upgrade Martial Level
New -Hald Rod Training
Generally Speaking Political situation change Fast.
Cannot belief that Minister M now is the Opposition Leader.

Generally Speaking Moral is the Basic.
You Really need some even in the Under Mafia Sector.
Some Sort of Black Code to Operate.

For Most of Human this is the Standard whether you are Adult or Not.
Some Grown to this Stage at some Point of the Time.
Some Sincere Credit. Chen Xin.
It is Not How much good you do , even do good is good.
Heard the Heart Mind Essence is Peace and Empty.
May be you need some sort of Basic Purity to reach There.

Some GOT IT till the very End. Some Very Young.
Dunno Who or what Decide it. Guess it the Mind Psyche Itself.
Some NEVER got it. Some are Born with it.

May be it is the UH HA.
AH HEM. Got You.
Eureka. Whatever Moment.

Monday, August 7, 2017

理学 心学





Sunday, August 6, 2017


Wooden Dummy Training
(coming soon) .. look for a small tree first.

$250 ++


Full Contact

Classified Only

Friday, August 4, 2017

Back To Basic Series

Come across this little booklet call MINIMAL THINKING.
It is a Japs Job Book that tell you something Special.
Why some Complex Business Model Formula Does Not Work.
Before there is Logic Thinking.
There is MINIMAL Thinking.

Those Stuff that you learn in Math Stats but NEVER Apply (Remember the Pie Diagram and Piont Scoring Exam Question.


And Some Other Simple Point.

A very short and Effective Booklet.