Monday, August 15, 2016

Started some short Chinese Novel about Chinese Junk and Nanyang, about a person name Ah Ba trip from Chow Chow to Nanyang Singapore.

Realized why people immigrate out of China.
Saw a Picture of Swimming Pool in China Full of People.
Full as beyond your Imagination full.
Just like a Early Greal Wall Full  of People .

Singapore considered quite Spacious even on a Weekend Pool.

The Top seems quite reluctant to Acknowledge the Olympic Gold.
Just a Feeling even with the High Prize Money and Prestige.
Still Dun quite Emphasis the Sport Art and Music and Literature.
Media is OK got some Influence and  Revenue.
Like still dun see the relationship between Sport and Army. So Obvious.

The "lu" symbol, a stylisation of the "lu" character (禄), meaning "prosperity", "generativity", through "stability", "firmness", represents the constellation Ursa Major (Big Dipper or Great Chariot), symbolising the "axis mundi", likewise to the similar Indo-European "swastika" symbols. It is the third star of the constellation, deified as god Luxing, part of both the Sanxing (Three Stars' gods) and Jiuhuangdadi (sons of Doumu) clusters of gods.

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