Sunday, July 24, 2016

Just started the Chinese version. According to Economy supply and demand, since now everyone speak and write English. Mandarin Chinese becomes a Unique advantage, if not A Rare Luxury Skill. Imagine the Market size, Giant Blue Ocean any will do on writing First Hand on Singapore, a place that is both familiar and Strange to the Mainland China.

Under the Coconut Tree.

The Strange Phenomenon of Popular French Play in Singapore. Guess Many watch this Double Alien Culture with their Eye Open, half Understanding the Story and Culture. Many will be "Cultural Shock" of the JIAKLEKness of some Old French Society, the Inequality and Outright Bo-Xue = Snatching away you Rights. Oh No, the Western Ang-Mo Society is NOT as Advanced as you have thought. So Dirty Rugged, and Outright Vigor. Check the date, it is the 18-19th Century Era Seems like Not to far away in Time.

Then come back and Watch the Chinese Movie "Yang Gui Fei" The Romance Story of Impeiral Tang China. IS THIS CHINA ! . So GLAM GLAM and outright Solid Gold. Both Romance and Figthing. Ok it is the Greatest of All IMPERIAL TANG DYNASTIC. Read something at the backdrop of Chinese Mind.

Better dun put the Title and link first. Go slow and see how.

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