Sunday, September 27, 2015

The unofficial street ideas for military

Only apply to some reservist army unit, not regular troops.
Only apply to some British-Chinese style army, other culture may be different.
(no prize for guessing which army)

First got to warn those got low know how of Army stuff.
No matter what kind, national guards reserve or green Beret Ranger.
It's still a regimental organization.
Meaning zero tolerance to discipline matter.
Missing one day from work or school may not sound serious for Civilian. The most I quit the job or ask parent to write some letter.
For ARMY it's called AWOL - Absent Without Official Leave.
This is normally consider SERIOUS OFFENSE !!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Philo Little

Star War Trilogy does not intend to be anything philosophy in America.
It is Peak of Pop Culture Movie for US.
But may be some kind of Least Influence Philosophy subconsciously for SG.

Together with Lord of the Ring Trilogy .
May have up a few notch influence.

Friday, September 18, 2015

For some revenue

The Story Line of Laser Battalion got its Final Chapter.
A Tactical Atomic Strike will Wipe out all Invading Force.
The Composite Dome Shell is Totally Up.
All Resident are Evacuated into Underground City, and Entrance Sealed.

Only a Handful of Production Engineer and Science are on Surface to keep the Industry running.
It will take 10 years to totally clean up the mass for green to grow again.

Background World View.
Nuclear Armament reduce to Lab Experiment Sample. (Kept by S Federation)
World Peace for 55 Years Straight On, with No Major Regional Conflict.
Crime Rate Reduce to All Time Low Since the Romans Empire and Han Dynasty.

S Federation still keeps some Industry Convertible to Military.
Force V discovered a ANCIENT POLITICAL TEXT.
And ....

Random Journal

Essentially Still a Growing Place for SG.
Guess the TOP still got many ideas and Plan for the Future.
The Train does not seemingly stop.

May be some reduction of Speed.
But new green Leaf are also catching up and making some impact socially.
Guess those reshuffle is unavoidable.

Probably will Do some Papa Go Where SG Series.

A Walk Around Town Bedok.
Fried Carrot Cake with Prawn.
Some movie.


Prensence Little

This may have Little Presence or even some influence, according to some Butterfly Theory.

But SG really lack some Philosophy Things that can call its own.
Its style is often claim by others too, Bah Gut Teh is also proprietary food of Some too.

The QUINT ESSENTIAL SG STYLE is nowhere to be found.
At least may be some Popular Culture Influence may even becomes the Pillars.
May be some instant help will be, STAR WAR and LORD OF THE RING Philosophy.

May help little.
With some World History Crash Course.
And Total Liberty.
For the rest.

NB : Or get back to Some OCBC (Oversea Chinese Stuff)

Tiger Force and Lion Club

Tiger Force and Lion Club

probably will be the name of the physical exercise area

The Lost Modern History of China

Could be a small series.

Random here and there.
Since China Is really Big Now.

Not that' its not Big before.
And there is a Big Lost Gap for Some.
Mainly from the 20s to the 80s.

Still not sure WHAT HAPPEN ??

Generally Speaking

The Capitalistic Economy is Somewhat Volatile.

But the Overall somewhat Up and Down seems sometime like some rollercoaster.
But the cyclical change contribute to the overall wealth collectively.

Money still can be redistribute to some lower class.
Through Tax , major Civil Project or some Social Programmes.
Instead there will more  and Bigger Pool to help other in Long Term.

Not to Forget The INVISIBLE HAND.
Got to have some Economy Theory.
No common people read WEALTH OF NATION, Adam Smith.
Some Crash Course You tube will be Good.

(at least somehow know whats going on)

NB : 8-10-12 (some move)

From militant point of View . (Always want to be a good Guy)

This is a satisfying result.

Many will say its a Horse Behind the Canon.
Meaning saying something after it had happen.

Strategically, will contribute to a more stable place regionally.
Guess many voted Intuitively, just a tingling feeling.
Feel better wade off some Threat First.

The Economy will still grow.
Even improve Freedom as all Constituent are contested.
And a Surprise TWO New Party.
Always want to be the Good Guy.

Not Nice being the Bad Guy.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

People Intelligence Service

Freedom Democracy does not mean uncontrolled free run of everything and anything.

Even in iconic NewYork champion of freedom with statue of Liberty.
The NYPD is struggling with the issue of being over powered to that to military rule.

Civil law wise, you can get sue in McDonald for over heated coffee.
Actually in many state, they have strict LAW.
Those mid West state are actually ultra conservative.

Not all are cowboys.
Some are military family for several generation.
Some are fundamental Christian since independence.
Some Even still Keep Law of Moses.

Just some intro to P.I.S.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


With the landslide victory riding on EMOTION.

Most people don't know what they are voting for.
It may be too late then.

Now with some hard data.
At least find out what is all this Fuzz about.

Don't worry, can Counter Attack.
FAN BAO WEI ( Surrounding Tactic)
After discover how big is the BIG CROWD SG is, imagine the people mountain people sea of a TOWN only.

Only if the Silent Majority just Step out the House for a meal at Hawker center.
Or weekend walk in the Park.
U will know how many people there is on your side.

May be some SHORT TERM Right Wing Push, concentrated Strength.
Will do the job, with impact.

May be its intuitive, Strategically still not very big, but focus POWER.
Throw it into whoever want to STAND UP AND STAND FRONT.

Move up the Ladder Chain.
Creative Class, Ownership.
Some Social Passive.
Separated, Elected ... THE CHOSEN ONE

Monday, September 7, 2015

Small Change Little



Some ides , short walk around the town

For some small business only.

40 % - technical product and service.

40 % - business operation and process. Business development

20 % - marketing and sale, customer service.

Current area, east Singapore, area A1

Sorry, there is still

Some gang related people now in proper business and line.

Some are those legal lone finance company.
Some are still quite active in Force in some lion dance troop , legal group right.

They don't usually settle things in well mannered way.
Not totally illegal too.
Some will just punch on the face if not happy and say sorry.
The latest case in local evening paper is smashing right on the head with drink bottle.
It's ok, these are quite rare case around here.
Just be careful.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

If you think foreigners are here to put a smile on the face to you.

Do check out some War Video on YouTube.

May be Singapore sometime are too simplistic in stuff.
Some Man are quite BAD  sometimes

May be some


is good

tense period

Quite a tense period, so dun do things front line.

Just a few stuff.
Far too Wisdom little to comment on Big Matters.

But can feel a bit of the mood in the ground.
Seem like everyone can succeed regardless of whatever, sound too noble idealistic even  in the past, immigrant society. Heard some field and line is for certain dialect groups in the old days.
Since independent, now people are more country conscious. Even if you are  Chinese from China , people want to know whether you are from Shanghai or Qing-Dao.

And Left Wing people does not mean they are the Sub-standard one.
Actually many country even in the west have Left Wing Leaders.
Seems there is some "Ideology" beyond smartness of individual.
Many will be surprise there may be more to come.
May not be the Dominant One.
But may be quite a voice then.

Of course most people will choose the Safe Choice, at least for the time being.
The Normal Democratic still the Central Neutral.
Dun quite know exactly what is Right Wing.

In SG social situation, better not to be too involve.
In case of anything, seem like still People Orientated than system.

Do get involve too.
Not to be too side track and pressure from outside.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

web designer

web designer

Heavy Machine Gun on Truck

Heavy Machine Gun on Truck

Tiger Force Plan 1

Tiger Force  Gym and Health

 Plan 1 (Trial)

Simple and Basic

2 set of Weight Exercise
1 Cardio

1 Diet and Pill

Time - 4 week

The ultimate life coach : Tony Robbins -- Get the Edge


provoke them to ... then the ... will take ...

No Choice ...

This sound SCARY.

But left with not much Choice.

To whom it may concern .


probably one of the SCARY THINGS around the region.

Chapter X - Platoon Ge-lung

These are the warriors from the Himalayas, born in the highland and totally used atmosphere that is low in oxygen. for the Grow up, their dream careers are not to be millionaire of doctor in hospital. the Top Job during peace time is Prison Guards and Special Police. during War time, they will be transform to fearsome fighter , known for their extreme endurance. Only loyal to the Empire in the olden days , most of them these days serve in many global organization .

A team o Ge-lung of 50  will be air drop behind the enemy line as the first strike. Not to really to attack the enemy, or even shave of its morale. but act as the DISTURBANCE FORCE to distract the enemy. Armed only with AK-74, one of those Big caliber assault rifle that dun really should accurate, the object is to sneak in and spray random at any target first encounter. A special group of 5 will carry RPG 20 of 50 rounds to instill some small artillery damage.

Just as a disturbing signal. sneak in and Out immediately.

Ninja Brigade.

Its another kind of Mercenary, no one call them Professional soldier. Becos 5% of their job Scope invole some commercial Espionage or even rumored guess what - Assassin. During Peace time they are widely spread all over various Locales as Highly paid Securities. during War time they are the Ninja Brigade.

Most country will not employ them as they are high cost. They form the Third wave of  Attack. Probably the Best Special force you can find on earth.

Of cost the 1ST Laser Battalion is the Final Salvation.

People Force is number less than the core division. But was gather into two Army Corp for consolidation  of Punch. May consist of Mobile Artillery in concentrated effort, Not Tanks units can withstand its rain of steel. The spear hear is mainly m113 fixed with 4x105mm recoilless Cannon. The latest warhead can punch thru even the strongest composite armor. And with 4x tube per vehicle, its strike rate much higher than any conventional tanks. electric Power Motor.

Infantry Battle Station