Sunday, September 6, 2015

tense period

Quite a tense period, so dun do things front line.

Just a few stuff.
Far too Wisdom little to comment on Big Matters.

But can feel a bit of the mood in the ground.
Seem like everyone can succeed regardless of whatever, sound too noble idealistic even  in the past, immigrant society. Heard some field and line is for certain dialect groups in the old days.
Since independent, now people are more country conscious. Even if you are  Chinese from China , people want to know whether you are from Shanghai or Qing-Dao.

And Left Wing people does not mean they are the Sub-standard one.
Actually many country even in the west have Left Wing Leaders.
Seems there is some "Ideology" beyond smartness of individual.
Many will be surprise there may be more to come.
May not be the Dominant One.
But may be quite a voice then.

Of course most people will choose the Safe Choice, at least for the time being.
The Normal Democratic still the Central Neutral.
Dun quite know exactly what is Right Wing.

In SG social situation, better not to be too involve.
In case of anything, seem like still People Orientated than system.

Do get involve too.
Not to be too side track and pressure from outside.

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