Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Young Nation Theory

Not really some theory s, have the quote and unquote, separately.

"Young Nation"

Not referring to Singapore.

Young Nation is just some common term some mainland Chinese writer refer to when they are talking about USA America, with a History of 200 over years . Back by 2000 years of History, China can hardly compare to other in term of Seniority and Size. May be Russian is Bigger in Land Mass and Jews History Stretch even back longer. so when they refer to US American , the usual tone is  "You are still a relatively Young Country" Not necessary bigger in Power ,  feel not so Advance in some aspect - There is always this "Great Country " mentality which is quite obvious. In addition in todays Economy Boom at every level, can even hold ransom just by the Number of Financial  Bonds and Security bought by the Chinese Boss. Even military is fast catching up with Old Russian Technology and just by the sheer number.

Not a current Affair Commentary. Just some notes

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