Thursday, April 30, 2015

Pumplogy SG 303 - New Sets

1. Do some Cross Fit , or HIIT exercise. Seems can give you some body cut. As its high intense training but short period of time, as to Cardio endurance.

2. Coming back to some jogging. A short one will do, start small and slow.

3. Adding some heavy set, probably 1 heavy. About 80% loading.

4. Some Super-set , few exercise continue with short or no rest.

5. Some other like  Cable and Bench (free weight). Some Row and Punch.

Notes 1 - Cluster 2 set of heavy in one with short break.
Notes 2 - Will leave the Barbell for advance. ( may be  a few deadlift)
Pumplogy SG 303

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