Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Golden Nuggets at the End of the Rainbow (Chapter 10)

Golden Nuggets at the End of the Rainbow

Add some Steel
Steel and Iron almost has the same Composition. Iron is called Fe in the chemistry periodic table. Steel however is an alloy, added with some carbon mixture. It makes the Iron Stronger.

Figuratively speaking is to get some Iron will to get things, make some plans and makes sure it works aka making things happen.

Add some Brain
Formerly study as much as you can in standard education, with time and resource allow. With some interest or better still they call it passion in the field. Try focus and don't sway too much away, even cross training in some related areas. Like Steve Job went for a Letter Font workshop and found it useful years later when he design the Apple computer visual operating System. Keeping up with some Tech advance and know some basic business know how will be good. A good common sense and latest in the world some EQ are required

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