Thursday, April 16, 2015

Anglo Chinese

Adding some Anglo Chinese will still be good, I guess.

These are social experiment , do it at you own risk.
Not saying Singapore is not good enough, it's good or I should say one of the better one.

But getting to more fundamental things, beside Technology and Exonomy.
These seems to be some SG "traditional Strength"

Anglo - Bristish empire is still the biggest of all time, by you tube historian. Some say it's Mongolian Empire, some say it's the Russian Empire. America is have some advance stuff, beside Apple watch, military advance is still ahead of other... Not referring to Iron Man suit. May be say F-35 jet plane, now even have spider robots to carry load for infantry man.

Chinese - Rising China is still on the rise, even as the economy growth slow down these few years. Still hard to tell people how is it like, when China is China. Probably when some Chinese made thier new Four modern invention. Then people will start to think that that's real Innovation, not just copy cat factory machines work. Morally hard to tell people that there was a time in old China. Somewhere during the Han Dynasty, the peace is so prevailing the the Door is Not Close At Night. Sort of King David Solomon Time when all peace on all side are achieved.

These are strange social engineering theory. Or should say hypothesis, sort of wild guess chat. Hope no harm.

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