Friday, June 8, 2018

A New Phase

Chapter X Decide to went Academic

Since Academy is the Safest Path.
Full Of Theory with Not much of them make any Practical Sense in the Future.
May be just some Raw Info for more Serious Studies.

Just a Recap of Recent event. A drop in a time. A Small Foot Note in Flow of History.

Yes Democracy is the Way to Go. But the West Made Too Much Mistake in the Beginning. First The Cowboy has Gun. End Up Everyone has the Rights to Own Gun and lead to Gun Abuse. And Uncontrolled Violence in the First Place. Cannot be Rewind as Things Moved Too Fast.

Hope anyone that Follows will have a Better Start.

So is Drug Abuse Issue. Family Ethic Issue.
And the System Democratic-Republic Complex Issue.

According to "Experiencesism". The Pit-Fall should be Avoided. To start a New System without the Flaws and With All the Good.

This Does Not intend to be Some REAL RESEARCH PAPER .
But Serious Casual Blog for Further Study.
The Information is Quite Raw.

In Singapore Context. Mix of Chinese-American style of Administration . For Further Refinement and Distillation.
It is NOT of OFFICIAL Agency ORIGIN. But Independent Publication. With No Affliation Local or Oversea.

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