Friday, December 15, 2017

The Universe War

Seems it is a Endless War. From now until the Endless War.
For Entertainment is OK.
But it is getting TOO Real.

More War will Lead To More War.
Seems not going to end in the Afgan War.
Going at this Rate.
Leading into another bigger STATE WAR. Fulfilling their Own Prophercy.
Just dun Get into This circle.

Chinese has some Saying.
Let the Bad Cycle End.
Can't find Anything Similar. In Western Philosophy or Religion. (Its All Confrontational)
The Western religion is Even Worst. There is REALLY A END WAR that ENDS EVERYTHING.
Everything From Dogs to Kings are involved.
Oh No.
Just DON'T Get into these Stuff.

That is all I Can Find.

Image result for baygon spray

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