Sunday, November 26, 2017

Really FED-UP when seeing High Official Having Fine Dinner in Cool Place. And Normal Executive pumping hard in the Office. Some Technical People Sweating in the Factory. And That is the Fortunate one. With some fighting loose Battle with the Foreign Talent. Seems like the Top are Selling Singapore to Other. With People especially those Sweat in the ARMY Tired and  "LOSS THIER COMPETIVENESS" due to INCOMPETENTANCY. GOV Says it is your Own Fault it is your Own Passar. Then Some People will Point the Fist at you and Say , why then you send us to the Army say the Land is Our. And You sell it to the Foreigner. Worst than the Foreign Power Renting  Land  in Shanghai. At Least The Chinese then has the Right to Defend themselves.

Seem they are treating the THESE PEOPLE MORE then their OWN PEOPLE. Sooner or Later Someone will get so angry and Slap U right into Face.


Not to Total STRICT LOGIC, OR LEGAL TIGHT CASE. BUT GOOD Enough for General Argument.
Some GP English Lesson at A Level. Not TOO WRONG.
BUT Speak Most 80% of Singaporean.

This has NO TARGET. From General People to General People. No Personal Attack.
But U know What I Mean.

Even the Head of Intel will Agree at least on Some Fluent Logic.
Just some Close Statement in the Blog.

Feel Like Setting up Some Wu-Shu WORKSHOP.
To Suppress some FIRE from Both Side. The Boulgese FAT GUY UP There and those SUCKER that suck Bood and Sit on other people Place.

About this Wu-Su Staff. Some One really be the REAL GUY.
Knowing SET of Wing Chun, Boxing Chang Quan ETC.
Some Soft Staff.
and 1.5 KM RUN
Short and Simple.
Charge some for Commercial Purpose.
Guess there is a Demand for Small MArket Too.

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