Monday, September 4, 2017

A "Not-So-Perfect" Saturday Morning.

The other timing is too Sad to mention.
Of course good enough sleep with a late morning wake up.
A really Perfect bowl of Fish Ball Noodle, Traditional Style.
A Standard 3 km Super Slow Short Jog. SSSJ.
Some nice T.V. Program. Some Old Classic Hong-Kong Movie really makes you laugh.
Some ok reading and Writing.
Another Good Afternoon Nap.
Learnt some New skill.
Read and update some Business Affair.

A Short and Ok Week End in Reality.

Prepare for a "Not-So-Perfect" Office Working Week-Day.
Standard 9-5.
(u mean people still do 9-5 these days ?!)

Theory of Management by Doing Less.

There is really such Theory Philosophy.
Not just some Obscure Pop Book of Encouragement.
But one of the Chinese Main-Stream Philosophy.
A bit like Less is More.
But with a Real Black and White Classical Text.
Yes its the Dao De Jing.
The Original Text i Management by Wu-Wei.
Literally No-Doing.
Do Nothing.
Of course there is Much more than That.
Something like Tai-ji Kung fu.
Slow and Steady with Internal Power.
Bruce lee Fight like WATER FLOW.

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