Saturday, May 27, 2017

"First Black Paper"

"First Black Paper"

Some say the Most Powerful Weapon is not the Apache Battle Helicopter, Nor the Hard Armour Vehicle with Auto Cannon. Some Suggest the Some Social Theory has much more Power. World War Two Germany Draws their Infamous Campaign believing in Some Super Aryan Race. Not the Movie Super Man Show, but they really think of a More Superior Race than the Rest of the Mankind. Some say it draws From Some Old Philosophy Idea, Socialism and Evolution Theory. Mix it Up and Give rise to Some  "Final Solution".

Singapore is Said to be a Social Engineered Society. Did not know where D.N.A. Bio Scientist are consulted during the Nation Building.

Just like a Lost Traveller that just Came back to Singapore Social Scene.
The Writer Almost Forget that He Took A Level General Paper.

First Module will be Enough.
It will be of No Profile even it is written in Open Blog.
Who Bother. Drown in the Sea of Things of Internet.
Even Hacker Only Bothers about the NUS and NTU Importance Research Paper.

Just one of the Millions of Common Blog.
That is the Best Security Code that No Hacker can Break Thru. Because it is Open House.

The Social Scene of  "Big Cat City".
Wanted to put some Tooth to this Singapore Defence.
Yes all the Training is Fine, the Weapon is High Tech.
But the Most Important of All is the Will to Fight.

And the Key is Just some Simple " Boxing and Kung-Fu" Workshop.
Sure or Not.
The Key is Small but Open Door.
Everything is There North South West and Central Command.

But Without the  East Wind Boxing and Martial Art Workshop.
All the Missile is just a Scrap Metal.
If there is No Fighting Spirit.

And All the Gym Work Out is Nothing.
Without the Super Set (Last Set) and Protein.

Common Hero
(Add Some Ang-Mo and Cartoon to be Fair)

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