Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Watch the Hunger Games movie.
Looks familiar scene seems like it is inspired by Society Singapore.

The Top Elite are getting fat Pay and eating buffet in the "Palace".
The Common people of District 12, sound like some SG Postal Code really... are struggling through the daily life.
Some middle class are send to some Games ....Army Training and NDP. Even the 75th Anniversary sound like some SG50 event.
Feel some Chill the similarity. Not to mention the Advance Law Keeper in White.

Quite like the Ang Mo movie, really entertaining.
But on territorial level, many will feel the space being invaded.
The Anti Colonial Influence 2.0
(aka Fuck Off You Ang-Mo / Guai Lo ... LKY style . The original version are more Vogul ... "This Brits are Mad " direct Quote. and .....XZY!!!%%)

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