Sunday, December 4, 2016

Small Country Can Only Rely on Diplomatic

This is Some How a Lesser Minority Opinion.
Even the Local Chinese Paper.

People Usually depends on Hard Power like Military.
Or Soft Power Like Economy.

Actually Personal Opinion Only .
Small country should Rely More on Diplomatic Power.
Should Put Heavy Emphasis, Like Top Person.
Top Resource, Like 50% for Others and Add 50% on this.
Small Elite Personnel and Air Ticket will not cost much.
Compare to Military cost and Heavy Economy Investment.
Small Input will result in Large Gain.

Even the Great Qin Empire did not rely on Army Conquer.
Rely Heavily on Speaker Elite to Persuade Others Too.
See China History -Shuo Ke.
Ally and Persuasion.

Obviously Small Country cannot rely on Head On Fight with Others.
Even Economy Competition is Quite Tough.

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