Monday, December 26, 2016

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Level 3

Level 3
Level 3

Level 3
Buddha Mantra (Level 3)

Compassion Buddha Mantra (Level 3)

Thursday, December 22, 2016

水龙集 - 大概就是这样吧

水龙集 - 大概就是这样吧



Chapter X - Random Notes and Such

Sometime really doubt the advance of this western modern civilisation. Some Chinese Philosophy even say directly as somewhat Poisonous. In a sense that it will just fall apart after some times. Unlike the Chinese Empire and Rule which is cyclical and long Lasting. That explain why the Byzantine only last not too long and just half of Europe. And No need to say, there seems ever War and Battle after the Napoleon Total War. And 2 World War in a continent in just half a Century. Personally rather choose the Stable Chinese Empire that last roughly usually 2-3 hundred years will some Revolution War in between, Not really a Anti-West sentiment. But the Advance modern western Modern may not be really Good by it self.
Buddha Chanting
Diamond Sutra
( a really POWER version)

Super Japan Scenic Video


Chapter x  Zen and Mechanical Engineering.

There is a popular book call Zen and the Motorcycle Maintenance. Looks like one of those long lasting Popular Best Seller with some sort of Philosophy. Really did some Major in Mechanical Engineering. It is really ROCKET SCIENCE. Study the Theory Concept and Formula of of Fluid Mechanics - That is how Air Flow and Water Flower can be calculated using Mathematical Formulae. The application is really for design of Jet Engine and How to Propell the ROCKET.

Something like this you see now in the market, and Hollow Fan : (far from it , but closer consumer item you can get)

Image result for air flow

Some people many really want to know how one of this  "Hollow Fan" Works


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Chinese Meditation (Level 2)
Natural Sit
More Advance
Guided Meditation (Modern, English)
Some Basic Chinese Meditation (Beginner Level 1, Modern, Chinese)
By Dr Yang.
Life is Full of twist and turn.
Some time a few big rounds and many small rounds, and you comes back to the same location.
Some goes for spiritual search and never comes back. Some join and Army and retire with a Big Pocket. Some live long and went for a Himalayas Hike, Some just pass away in the midst of the day. No one knows. Some say it is some kind of Mystical Destiny turning you around at every corner. Some say by my hand I created the past , Future and Mercedes Benz. Some just Drift through life, some fight all the way through with some small knocks. Some just work in the Cashier of Papa provision shop for the whole life.

This is not some Guide of Life. But some reflection of some Philosophy Ideas on Life. So far guess one of the common Life Model is

Material Production.
Material Production Again. (Plus some Family and People)
May be some Philosophy and Spiritual. (and Hopefully some Random Good Deeds).

This is some Neutral Lite Life Model. Adopted from Some Hegel and Capitalistic Model.
So far that is it.
Buddhist Mantra
 - Om Mani Padme Hum
 (Beginner Level 1)

Monday, December 19, 2016

Compassion Mantra (Musical Version)
Image result for water fall image

Commercial Classified (Development)

Commercial Classified (Development)

Bronze Collection($50)

Metal Plate (Premium)     ($20)
Wooded Plate (Normal Standard) ($10)

Color Paper (5$)

Special - Computer version, Mobile Version ($??)

NB - 4x4 Tic Tac Toe

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Chinese Internal Practise (Breathing Exercise)

NB - Not very Authentic (I Guess) but that is probably the first you get online. So Far.

Monday, December 12, 2016

The Theory of Doing People
(popular recommendation)

Testing 321

Testing 321
Really Did a 2-3 KM 30 mins Walk and Jog.
Really Healthy Life-Style Old School Hardcore.
By this rate will hit 5 km in few Month and may be 10 km for some time.

Limit at Jog 10 KM . Weekend.
Probably will last for sometime.
Probably Plus Bike and Swim. Depends.
And Some Punching.
And Old School Gym Weights a few Set.

Stop The Genetic Change





The Sun Set is Fantastic
But Too Close to Dusk



Wild Fire and Wind of Spring
Stop the Genetic Change.
It may be disastrous.

It is OK and Good up to medium level Material Comfort.
Like Mercedes Benz 500
Seaside Bungalow, Fine Grade Good Location in a Big City .
Big Pay Check at High Corporate and Big Profiting Business.
A Good Fine French Dining and Chinese Restaurant.

Most Advisable to have a Good Family.
And A Good Society.

A Big Bank Account Too.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016






Sunday, December 4, 2016

Small Country Can Only Rely on Diplomatic

This is Some How a Lesser Minority Opinion.
Even the Local Chinese Paper.

People Usually depends on Hard Power like Military.
Or Soft Power Like Economy.

Actually Personal Opinion Only .
Small country should Rely More on Diplomatic Power.
Should Put Heavy Emphasis, Like Top Person.
Top Resource, Like 50% for Others and Add 50% on this.
Small Elite Personnel and Air Ticket will not cost much.
Compare to Military cost and Heavy Economy Investment.
Small Input will result in Large Gain.

Even the Great Qin Empire did not rely on Army Conquer.
Rely Heavily on Speaker Elite to Persuade Others Too.
See China History -Shuo Ke.
Ally and Persuasion.

Obviously Small Country cannot rely on Head On Fight with Others.
Even Economy Competition is Quite Tough.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Read some surprisingly Material.
Saying Not All Thing Western Modern are Good.
Some are Bad or even Poisonous and Damaging.

So the Advance Material World and Holly-Wood Style Happiness is NOT GOOD.
Do not comment much on this stage.
Do discover some Thing. (The Trump is just the Beginning)

And Decided to Cut "English Stuff" by Half and Add "Chinese Stuff" by 50 %.
The Result and Experiment will Tell.

Western Poison

Throw In 5 Pound - The History You Never Know

Some Blind Spot for Most People, even to those Bilingual Elite.

China Chinese is not so simple as following some "International Law".
It is a Situation of Long Period and Big Space.

Simply Said it is a Recent History of China : 100 Years. Half of East Asia.

May be Throw in Like Some 5 Pound of Stuff that one may understand 1-2 of the Matters.
Not in Duty Official, So not to comment Direct.
Battle of Jia Wu