Monday, November 14, 2016

Effective Thinking System (Dublicate Copy)

Effective Thinking System
 (Dublicate Copy)
You are introduced to the thinking tools and techniques which have proven to increase abilities in areas such as creativity, problem solving and critical thinking. As you move through the course you will encounter material and assessments that are designed to cement these concepts into your mind. This first module consists of the following 8 lessons.
1: Are you a thinker?
Looks at the students self-image as a thinker and at thinking skills in General. Setting the stage for your journey towards Effective Thinking.
2: PMI - Plus, Minus and Interesting
Analysis of Plus, Minus and Interesting points. This is a powerful tool for considering new ideas.
3: AGO - Aims, Goals and Objectives
The examination of Aims, Goals and Objectives. An AGO is used to clarify thinking.
4: Consider all Factors
This involves a structured process to the Consideration of All Factors. It is often used when considering situations prior to developing ideas.
5: OPV - Other People's Views
Almost any thinking activity involves other people, the OPV tries to get the thinker inside the heads of those involved.
6: FIP - First Important Priorities
The FIP provides a deliberate instruction to you (or to others) to focus directly on priorities (in general or at a particular moment).
7: APC - Alternatives. Possibilities and Choices
The APC lesson involves looking for the Alternatives, Possibilities or Choices (whichever is appropriate) in that situation.
8: C&S - Consequence and Sequel
This is a scan of time for your brain. Helping you focus upon the consequences that might arise from a decision, course of action or change of any sort over time periods.

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