Sunday, September 18, 2016

The First Emperor - The Big Earth is under my Feet.

Qin Emperor is really not the first King of China. There is already some 3+5 King Sage of the Ancient times. And there is Seven King of the Seven Kingdom of the War-Country Era. The Dragon Boat festival is a Remembrance of the Chu Kingdom Qu-Yuan. Actually Chu is the Biggest Threat of Qin Kingdom.

Through Some Complicated Advance Strategy, the Alliance of the 6 Kingdom against Qin was dissolved. And the Middle Plain (middle-earth) was conquered one by one by the King of Qin. Through Advance siege Weapon like massive army of Giant Arrow, castles was taken. A new kind of United Empire was form. Roads was built and Written Chinese word was unified.

Books was burned. Strangely the First Emperor also burn all the Chinese Classics including Confucius writing, the only exception is Yin-Jing. The Emperor still need Yi-Jing to Consultant on his administrations. All the Weapons and Irons are confiscated, including all the Kitchen Knifes and melted into some Big Bell.

The Emperor also built the Great Wall to stop the Northern Barbarians of the Xiong-Nu. The Great Accomplishment is Finish. The Emperor dream of immortality and send several mission the find the Immortals. The story says there is even a sea trip all over to the East Ocean, the People never came back and becomes Japanese.

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