Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Simple Chinese Kung Fu

A Simple Chinese Kung Fu
(only got 5 Step)

Simple Wood Craft

Good Workshop

for the 10 %.
Get the Mind Body Connection.
Improve Motor Skill.
Get Energy Level Ready for the Next Level of Job/Career/Business.
Basic-Intermediate -Advance Level Avialable.
Will Adjust Accordingly.

Coming Soon.
Simple Pottery

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Another Kind of Training Experience.

Another Kind of Training Experience.

The Idea is Not Just  learning the  Skill.

But more of a Mindset Change Experience Workshop through this Training Experience.

1. Woodcraft - Make a Spoon.

2. Kitchen Experience

The Simple Basic Five
Fried Noodle and Golden Fried Rice.
Chicken Wing ( Normal Spicy Soy Sauce or Coke)
Lemon Pepper Chicken, Chili Chicken.
Sweet Sour Pork. Sweet Sour Fish.
Oat .Prawn and Veggie Toufu
Soup - Campbell..

3. Plants and Pots.

Special - Chinese Calligraphy..

NB - Also have cooking Class, Robotics and Photography.

Ultimate - Dun Know can or not - Farm Experience  ( like 2 hrs to half day, dun get lost in the "Forest. Late Go Early Come Back (Got Safety One) User Quite Friendly. Low Hazard (Non Guaranteed)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Under the Coconut Tree

A Swim Singapore River Contest .

This is to discover True Blue SG Swimmer. Born and Train in Singapore.
May be like a annual swim from the White Curve bridge to Fullerton Bridge.

Looks like a Short Distance on Land.
But very Long one for Swimmer.

Only Joking LAH, who will swim in Singapore river. Need License Right

A Cold Look at NDP

This will be some standard Cold Attitude of Singapore.

Only somewhat better that those go for Hawaii Holiday and Quitter.
Still dun think it like a Nation.

More like some Super Mega City that runs by the Minister and a Nationalistic Government Body.
Up one level is that of a Loosely Federated Mixture "Society".
It is good enough that it is a "Country Place" that try not to Quarrel.
And there is this things is Place and Culture call


PLEASE do not mess around with it.
Meaning this are things that is BEYOND DISCUSSION.
Please look at the Wars an Battle of Human History.
Try Talk to WW2 Germany and Imperial Military  Japan.
They will say -- Talk to my Hand.

Strangely some philosophy do not propose faster and stronger.

There is even a CORE Philosophy Stay Common and try to be Neutral.
Forget about being Extreme and Aggressive this days.
You will be easily target as "DANGEROUS"

Staying with the COMMON General Makes you the Majority.
Nothing to post on FB except Food Recipe.
Makes you a Standard SILENT MAJORITY.

That makes you the SINGAPORE MOST POWER FORCE in any Society.

Monday, August 15, 2016

May  will spring up some Intermediate Training Work Shop Programme.
Farm Experience

Kitchen Experience

Plants and Pot.

Make Something (Technical).

May be for the Urban People that is Heavy on the Brain, But weak on the Legs and Hand.

Of course the Farm is not ready yet Technically and Physically.

Started some short Chinese Novel about Chinese Junk and Nanyang, about a person name Ah Ba trip from Chow Chow to Nanyang Singapore.

Realized why people immigrate out of China.
Saw a Picture of Swimming Pool in China Full of People.
Full as beyond your Imagination full.
Just like a Early Greal Wall Full  of People .

Singapore considered quite Spacious even on a Weekend Pool.

The Top seems quite reluctant to Acknowledge the Olympic Gold.
Just a Feeling even with the High Prize Money and Prestige.
Still Dun quite Emphasis the Sport Art and Music and Literature.
Media is OK got some Influence and  Revenue.
Like still dun see the relationship between Sport and Army. So Obvious.

The "lu" symbol, a stylisation of the "lu" character (禄), meaning "prosperity", "generativity", through "stability", "firmness", represents the constellation Ursa Major (Big Dipper or Great Chariot), symbolising the "axis mundi", likewise to the similar Indo-European "swastika" symbols. It is the third star of the constellation, deified as god Luxing, part of both the Sanxing (Three Stars' gods) and Jiuhuangdadi (sons of Doumu) clusters of gods.