Sunday, July 31, 2016

The Chinese Calligraphy things may take some times.
May be like some small workshop.
Some Poem example.

This Opposition things do not stand out too.
Seems opposing voice is More than the Authority.
Does Not helps if you say Something Not.
May Be if you say something Good You will stand Out . Try Something like.
The Bad Guy is Really Bad.
Try Not be like One of Them.
Be the Good One among them.
If Not Better than the Good One.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Manage to squeeze in some Chinese Blog Writing. But know this is not the common platform in China or Chinese. Just want to reach out to those in SG Malaysia and Thai Chinese. The Mainland Zhong Hua Circle, later. Technically still not mature yet.

Probably will add some Spice to Local CN SOCIAL Scene with this

What Do You Think.
Roughly mean
Object For the Sake of Object.
Oppose for the Purpose of Oppose.


中华历史观念蛮混乱的。早些时候才看过些中国近代史(CIA YouTube version)

看了电影杨贵妃, 再查维基。好像中间有几个小皇帝。



Tuesday, July 26, 2016



Open Up or Not.

This is to stir something up. May be some Chaos will  makes things better for some.
Make it like 8.9 MILLION.

2 Million more than the Official Stats.
Seems like going against the Tide.

Seems like better to reshuffle some Social Make-Up.
Then can have some Progress.
This is just some "Tactical Things"
And it more likely an Minority Report.
Hope it Will Not Work Out.

Started some Chinese Writing. Should be a Rare Luxury in Singapore Context. What STILL can Write CHINESE.  According to Some Economy Theory, this should work out well.



Sunday, July 24, 2016

There is Two Mongolia.

The Whole Mongol Empire is divided into Four. with song China region rule by Kublai Khan. South Song is Much smaller than.

It is said Mongolian conqueror Not really by Might Power Weapon Tactics Strategy. Or even by its Intimating Strategy. Some SOURCE Reveal that the Real Conquering Power is at THAT TIME IN THAT REGION, There is MANY MANY Wild Horse. Horse means Calvary means Fire Power. It is as if a Country sudden has a Overwhelming Number of Light Armour Tank Battalion. Some Big and Numerous that 1 Mongolian has three Horse. One for Logistic, carry stuff, One for Travel, And One Well Rested for Frontline Battle. Means you Armour Division is THREE Times more than your Enemy. And on Top of them Mongolian Master the Art and Science of Horse Back Bow Attack. Meaning you can shoot the arrow on the Moving horse. Using a "Technology" call curved Bow. Meaning you Armour Vehicles is armed with Guided Missile can engage in Mobile Battle.

Strange Tian Tian is Not Official

Red Hill Town and MOUNTAIN FABER

Under The Coconut Tree Series

1. Red Hill

Dun Know is there anyone really dig the mud of  Red Hill Town to see the Soil is RED in color or Not. But it is still a complete town, may not be as Total as the New Newtown. But the Central and Bus Interchange is there, there is a Library and different Drive. Best there is a Mt Faber comes with the Town. As Bt Timah is close, left only One and Only Faber Hill.

Really no need to Climb the Mountain although it is officially call MOUNT FABER. A Good walk of any age will reach the Top. Yes, the Slope is really gradual as if you a walking a slight steep Normal Ground. Becos its a Long walk, you will reach the Top without much effort.

The Black Paper advise.

Still in the Process of Making.
Absorbing and Not Yet Integrating.
Imagine the Great China still absorb culture after Thousands of Years.
America still taking Immigrant and talent, the Open Culture after even it is a Super Power.
Must be something Good about this things. Dunno. Neutral.

Strange to have such a PRO voice.
Wait and See How.

Just started the Chinese version. According to Economy supply and demand, since now everyone speak and write English. Mandarin Chinese becomes a Unique advantage, if not A Rare Luxury Skill. Imagine the Market size, Giant Blue Ocean any will do on writing First Hand on Singapore, a place that is both familiar and Strange to the Mainland China.

Under the Coconut Tree.

The Strange Phenomenon of Popular French Play in Singapore. Guess Many watch this Double Alien Culture with their Eye Open, half Understanding the Story and Culture. Many will be "Cultural Shock" of the JIAKLEKness of some Old French Society, the Inequality and Outright Bo-Xue = Snatching away you Rights. Oh No, the Western Ang-Mo Society is NOT as Advanced as you have thought. So Dirty Rugged, and Outright Vigor. Check the date, it is the 18-19th Century Era Seems like Not to far away in Time.

Then come back and Watch the Chinese Movie "Yang Gui Fei" The Romance Story of Impeiral Tang China. IS THIS CHINA ! . So GLAM GLAM and outright Solid Gold. Both Romance and Figthing. Ok it is the Greatest of All IMPERIAL TANG DYNASTIC. Read something at the backdrop of Chinese Mind.

Better dun put the Title and link first. Go slow and see how.

Saturday, July 23, 2016




May there will be some

Experience Workshop on Chinese Calligraphy。



Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The World Divide into Three.

This is also one of the "Chinese Concept", popular classic Romance of the Three Kingdom Say so.
The World is Sometime United and Sometime Divide.

Probably Chinese Minister Zhuge Liang already foresaw The British Exit     of Europe Union Thousands Year ago. During the Late Han Dynasty.

China has a Longer History Perspective, like think time in terms  of say CENTURY (No Joke).
Will say like got to look back to Ming Dynasty, where Imperial Navy is still Operating. May Be that is where you get the "CHINA" in the South China Sea. There is also a Super Frigate Fleet the Travel Far Campaign. The Small Kingdom just pay Tribute. 4-500 years ago. Guess CN close up the Sea line during the Qing - 1-200  years ago.

America 7th Navy fleet  is at S CN Sea since the World War 2 . Read the Famous Carrier Enterprise is the Home Owner of the Regional Sea Territorial, Japan that projected its Nay Power too. CN is Not there at  S CN sea during recent Era. The Decades is America-Japan Co,  South China Sea.

But really amazed by the speed of the Artificial Island Built Up. Singapore See many Land Reclaim Project. May be can Built some Island Around too. Got to ask the CN Expert.

"Just some JOKE around" DUN Take seriously

The World Divide into Three.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Some commentary.

Just some lite social issue.
Will not influence to much.
The Policy is actually Chinese Style "Non Interference"

Surprise many if there is any Chinese Philosophy that is so "Liberal".
Yes there is.
Let Nature took the Couse.
Do not even Influence too much, sound passive and not very Chinese.
Actually do quite well with the Han Dynasty.
As the First Emperor of Qin, some say do more destruction than Unity.

Things was Not some Central Then, and seems better and Stayed much longer.
Not more Great Wall and Palace building and For conscription.
Most Chinese actually are called Han People, HAN REN.
No Body Really call themselves QIN Ren.
Even the Oversea Chinese call Themselves TANG REN

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

One mountain cannot have two tiger

China may not really rule the world.
angel baby just take over the leadership for a while.
While the Pilot busy settling his home affair.

Chinese always settle the House issue first before busy body about the other.
Guess this is the right way.
Common sense tell how do u lead when you house got serious problem.

But China Japan and Korea really rule the East Asia.
Guess this three will comes together as time pass.
Geo still important.
Far Water cannot save a near fire.
One mountain cannot have two tiger (Brexit)

This is really some "Presence" Blog Page.
Type in First Ink Media Singapore, you get it on the Google search no. 1.
Just some personal and trivial Light Social Comments.
The most is Middle and Common  "Class" Opinion.

Unregulated, quite a Alternate View.
Yes South China Sea Belongs to China. Even after all the Verdict.
Better let CN explore and developed the Resource rich region,
Doubt anyone else can do it. Own self dun corrupt can already.
Japan and Co is the Best Developer, with Management and Finance and Techincal.
But JP seems to far North for South Sea.

This a Black Paper 13SG.
Read at you own risk.

Chinese Calligraphy.
SG Q version $5 per piece.