Monday, April 6, 2015

Contrary to many opinion, many of the Scientist are actually Beliver in God, referring to the One Almigty God, the Everlasting Creator. In fact some of the early scientist are also train Theologian. Seems Pascal, the original Pascal. Not the programming language, also studied some Theology. Science and God dose not really contradict. Even in mordern age , the Relativity Einstein is even a Jew. May be sound too Chim for many, but this is the Fact.

Of course the more safer view is Let those belong to Ceasar goes to Caesar , those belong to Newton Goese to Newton, and those belong to God goese to God. but again, Book of Romans is a important book of the Bible. And to add on to that, those of Chinese goes to Chinese. And those of Politic goes to Politic. Quite divisive. But play safe first, before the FAITH growth further and deeper. some issue no need to be resolve immediately.

Was going through some basic again.
The Everlasting God.
Lord God Almigthy, El-Shaddai.
The Risen Lord , Jesus Christ.
The Guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Bible is the Word of God.
Faith. Grace . Hope. Forgiveness of Sin thru the Cross.
The Finish Work of Christ.

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