Saturday, November 28, 2015

Just Ten Points to Note.

Just Ten Points to Note.

Its kind of a bit too late.
But better later than never.
Being later also made the point much stronger and of some urgency.
So some will wake up faster.

1. Mentality Mindset.
Got to be more flexible , able to think straight and make curve.
Or else not just competition but survival issue.
Imagine, main authority missing some basic main issue. (like Library without a basic Table and Power-point) With Million spent without basic provision for working adults.

2. Freedom of Speech.
Its more too obvious and quite a long time issue.
Its clearly stated in the Supreme Law, The Constitution. (No body bother because its suppose to supreme high up there.).

3. Freedom House.
Freedom House actually say Singapore is worst than Malaysia. How will a normal common Singaporean swallow that.

4. Security Issue.
With Surrounding Foreign People which is so arrogant and even to the extent of Threatening.

5. Economy.
An everlasting issue. Note the Civil construction as mention by some Top people.

6. Some Power Group simple got too much Power.
Is there going to some power abuse case or even outright oppression.
(common Singaporean Crushed by Both side -- Real issue)

Some other back date issue that got to check the post.
Even got SIX point just out of the mind randomly.
Guess its just get overboard